
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu o listen to not fro

Descend feet, make son not clear so, way:"How?"The color didn't quit a way:"Is very cold in hole, you inside achievement not Jing, I see you will can not stand."Listen to the son the color has never quitted to speak to concern himself/herself, don't lift have much happy, the Min mouth says with smile:"Having didn't quit an elder brother at, I have what well afraid of?I am true if is cold, you ……you embrace me ……I ain't not cold."Make reference to here, a face rises is red, jilt to open the hand that the color didn't quit, compete first run fore noodles.The color has no wariness in a hot, with heel go up.
Walk to the cold ice before the hole, although the hole door closes tightly,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, can still have a kind of nipping feel to drift since then.Sees the seedling show is before hole of circular machine Gua on on pressing a to twist, that the stone door before the hole also then rose up.Immediately, strict heat of summer immediately seem became cold winter, public imitated a Buddha to drop into ice of hole similar, whole body is of a Zhan.All and then deliver to resist chill inside the spirit.On arriving entrance to cave, then doesn't already cringe all over the son, the hands tightly embrace the waist that the color didn't quit, tongue Chi all the Luo Luo make to ring, a face becomes pale more.The color has never quitted to see and unavoidably says with smile:"How?Freeze of can not stand, you still get to hole to outside wait me."
Make the time that the son nature isn't willing to pass with color and don't quit together, besides can also so nearly embrace him, way:"Who say that I am getting colder?I at 1:00 all not ……cold."Speak this words of at the same time body still not from of trembled to tremble.The color has never quitted to see, also just shook to shake head and there is no way.Along with public once walk a more narrow truth, got into another cave.That hole inception is smaller, more walk see more big and arrive afterwards and unexpectedly is got into a hole room.Sees a hole crest a clock milk the stone keep hanging but snow, snow-white and transparent, white simply handing over to mutually reflect good hid the gold and silver bead of world light, lovely shave deeply, don't lift have beauty much.Noodles laden with in the lake of left side a hemicycle ice, stick out Gao Liang Mi's ice column on the ice, make lithium fish shape, seem when the lithium fish jump Dragon gate suddenly glaciated.That rain water on the body slides half but congelation, slowly if living.On all sides a the ice of a cluster of cluster spend, the carriage is graceful, the body is snow-white, that kind of the pure knot have no time to make people envy.An enter hole, seem the body place is a glacial of world, have everything in this world, there is tree containing bird, there is flower having grass, there is water containing fish, but have no of but is a selling of world smoke, the beastliness looks of people of this world, with that kind of Er Yu my Zha.Let once people see, not from of the mood is comfortable great, what annoyed all threw nine night cloud outside.However this artistic conception also need observant and conscientious person to realize.
The color didn't quit light on smiling, toward to keep in mind to mediumly make a son way:"You not is say to see in hole have much beautiful?"Make son original to cover up the whole faces all the bosom that didn't quit in the color in, listen to him so on saying, the square makes to dare to raise head.See thousand Zis of inside in the hole 100 Tais, the immediately pleased smiling face opens and praises highly 1:"Well beautiful.Here really is a secular world?Obviously is the crystal temple that the fairy lives."The color has never quitted to listen to, not from funny way:"The little girl loves blind think."
Mount Taishan sends Jiang Ming Song's pupil solution if give Yang Yin Li originally is to lead long to begin into hole, seeing the color didn't quit and made son such to embrace each other and envied in the heart.If solution Shi Tian sweetly says 1:"Elder brother Shi, I also feel cold."In Yang Yin listen to her so on saying, the Peng Peng in heart jumps indiscriminately, feels whole body hot, where still feel hole inside of strict cold, slowly stretch hand to hug her waist, way:"Younger sister Shi, that I embrace you not very good?"Mouth up say so, on the hand but still have some not to dare.If solution Shi Yi Xi slowly rush toward in his bosom.Yang Yin Li's one Zheng, and then feel younger sister Shi's body temperature and own temperature mutually Chen, feels a happy pole.The color has never quitted to see, is also one joy in the heart, heart way:"Only wish the loverses all have to eventually become dependents."
Qin Xiao Shu looks up at on all sides, way:"This is the cold Hua Mountain ice hole, indeed as expected such as legendary similar."He just finished saying, listenned to nearby an orotund and chilly way:"Also only so-so just."Is public into hole, almost drive hole inside of the coldest already brilliant fan, although the person is a lot of,have never sent out to clamor of voice.Under the response of snow-white hole wall, "also only so-so just" eight words most people all listen to clearly.The color has never quitted to see talk of person, sees he look up at sky to contain one mouthful wine, murmur one drinks into hole.And then absorbed an one mouthful smoke, that sting nose of the smoke flavor seemed to was just on coming out, then be namely frozen.Is exactly Shanxi four strange of an of Hao direct shipping links.
It was public to see his one eye, mostly didn't care.Qin Xiao Shu has some spirit however, looking at his appearance of Wei Suo, way:"I say that you are to experience it's shallow, is still an eye without pupil, what only so-so just?You have never heard is cold ice hole in Hua Mountain three one of the big strange holeses Central plains?"The Hao direct shipping links was cold to hum 2, see Qin Xiao Shu of one eye, the look in the eyes of Gui Mi since the childhood was crowded in eye pupil will come out, way:"Little hair kid, which spring onion are you ?What do you have to defy spirit?"
Qin Xiao Shu listenned to this words, the fury immediately uped, way:"You this bad old man is really poorly read and ignorant, even I don't know.North Yue have four swords been already listenned to?I am four one of the swordses, the person calls'the Qing sword in the sky'of Qin Xiao Shu ."Wished him to listen to this words, settle will for just said of words and then regrets.Unexpectedly the Hao direct shipping links still keeps being to disdain to a to attend to, way:"What four swords?Can drink of can still take out?Have my red chain wine and overwhelm by joy smoke flavor good ah?"Qin Xiao Shu listenned to and more felt the face can not pass and grasp hilt of a sword, then the desire begins.And cloud the 1000 years hear "red chain wine""overwhelm by joy smoke", in the heart is also a strange, and then block Qin Xiao Shu , way:"One mouthful wine one mouthful smoke, the red chain overwhelms by joy match fairy.Can the alcoholic smoke Wang Hao's direct shipping links be you?"
The person, who walks behind, all originally didn't notice a Hao direct shipping links, listenned to cloud say an alcoholic smoke king for 1000 years at present and immediately discussed:"Shanxi four strange, unexpectatively they also arrived at Hua Mountain.""Seem to be only old two Hao direct shipping links a person at, where don't other 3 people know?""Hear Shanxi four strange is peculiar, always drive Central plains proper way discriminate against, see them in Hua Mountain at present, don't know and take place what affair?"
The Hao direct shipping links fan fixs attention on, satisfied way:"North Yue sword head cloud the 1000 years indeed as expected experience not shallow.The disciple that only teaches ……"shook to shake head.He since know that Qin Xiao Shu is cloud 1000 years' disciple, settle however also know north the title of four swords of Yue, see him such tone, obviously be not north the Yue parties put in the eye.Qin Xiao Shu 's temper came up again, to cloud 1000 years way:"Teacher, this old man too not from somehow, unexpectedly even you don't put as well in the eye ……" cloud 1000 years the did it ever isn't that cares for the face of person, unmanned in the Hao direct shipping links eyes, he nature is also don't in the past see.Only the Ai wears today the body has to have scruples about in Hua Mountain, and he from think to is that the eminent family is virtuous, the despise and this person begins, in the heart although have spirit, can also get to put a Zhang the generosity of spirit of the door.
That Hao direct shipping links listens to their 2 people whisper Gu in the ear Di, but is to ignore and lightly suck the wine in the bottle gourd, good the baby is similar, attend to from the mumbling way:"Hao old man I didn't move for several days, bone Yang of really want to seek very individual loose loose physique, don't know who the first come to dissipate sorrows for me.Ha ha."On taking out to overwhelm by joy smoke, prepare to vomit a cigarette to play, can is really too cold in hole, the smoke vomits a half, immediately congelation, Qiang get he not from of coughed several voices, lambaste:"What hole?Even the smokes could not take out well and how to waste."Finish saying the thumb presses on the smoke, smoke according to put out, put at small of the back.Turn once the head see and see Jiang Ming Song whom Mount Taishan sends, sees his height is as just about as oneself, similar is the Tuo of Wei Suo to wear a back, similar is a rightness of beans eyes.Only have a liking for go to a positive an evil, if the other people are incognizant, also think to is two brotherses.The general crows will think that oneself isn't very black, the Hao direct shipping links is also similar, he feel the shape that his own appearance is the one and only, often is proud of this, see Jiang Ming Song at present, immediately feel the friendship that oneself is much ugly, annoy not and go, connect and drink all have no.Have a Tan wood to forward and then walk on filling a bottle gourd mouth.
Jiang Ming Song sees cloud metal gray for 1000 years face, way:"The elder brother of cloud don't hold the same kind of view with this kind of person, in case lost chastity.This cold ice hole nine songs 18 curved, we are quicker to keep up with to go, in case get lost."Qin Xiao Shu 's way:"Jiang Jiang Men says of to, this surname Hao of stubborn

