
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu nthis world often

Often strict .In addition ,the two KGB special forces ,with the Chinese soldiers in the forest for many times in the battle ,once per battle ,they are the special forces to victory .relationresultIn the seat of each individualrecognition ,Chinese soldiers fought very bravely .
Moreover, each one of them also are not afraid to die .But since the Chinese government made ten years of political movement ,the Chinese Army soldier fighting qualities are very low ,especially in the forest operations ,the Chinese soldiers ,even the most basic forest operations knowledge is not, would only end a gun go ahead ,or even a scout is not as .
relationresultBe likethe assassins ,he not only forest operations is very familiar with .Moreover, he told the Chinese soldiers fighting is completely different .If it is China those silly soldiers ,have been killed them .
relationresultNow,the Soviet government used the aircraft for large area bombing ,instead of killing him, they also catch the three combat squad .They don believe that ,Chinese troops overnight, using what magic or what spells ,general team all thoroughly to remould oneself ,become forest combat king .
But if the assassin is not a Chinese soldier, it can only show a problem ,that is what the foreign mercenaries .relationresultIf theforeign mercenaries ,in his task ,we should leave at once ,never stay in the original deep in the forest, it is the basic military knowledge .
And this very clever assassin ,may not make such mistake .relationresultFrom the basereport circumstance to look ,those in the search task team of assassins ,simply cannot form what threat .
The assassin why also braved the risk of being seen ,he not only killed the entire squad of soldiers .Moreover, the assassin he thought in Vasily to know what? Vasily, what does he know? He said something to the assassin ?Although ,this harsh interrogation techniques like the mercenary style ,then the employer is who? How did he know the secret ?It is got from somewhere ,Klev ?Maki Love to the secret intelligence .
Klev ?The Kirov trip is very secret ,the spies are known ,nor may the information sent out right away .Is sent out, the assassin is a flying Superman ?relationresultAproblem has been on the table ,which has seventy-four ,head has few root hair Andropov big headaches .
relationresultInthis world, often very simple things ,to be complicated by .All people are not taken into account, Wang Weiye is a little rookie .Moreover, he was a rogue was born ,on those who rule ,he follow .
In order to achieve personal goals ,Wang Weiye he will not fold means .relationresultThe body of the nineteenth chapter ofthe sniper , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2010-6-6 10:21:35 chapter number :3920 , relationresultIn the Soviet KGBheadquarters ,Andropov is now sending troops is not ,not more than .
The assassin with a fish bone stuck in his throat ,do not pull out ,also do not swallow it .I still do not know what the assassin .Get in by every opening and claim ,any information to be concealed from the kgb .
But now ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu,the KGB did not get any information of value ,it is to be nonplussed over sth. .relationresultAnd Wang Weiyehe waited until after dark ,immediately go out from a place of concealment ,use a compass to proofread for directions, towards the border ran immediately play video .
Wang Weiye does not know ,he has been away from a predetermined direction .relationresultRanis like Wang Weiye ,he suddenly feel from the heart of the risk of death ,thanks to King Albert ,in so many years of the fighting ,he was doing instinctively .
Now Wang Weiye his entire body on the thirty-six million hairs ,have all stood up .Wang Weiye that he did not stop, but the foot a little ,just to the right side of the tree to hide .relationresultDuring the day,the Supreme Soviet presidium of the Soviet Union ,chairman of the National Defence Commission ;Yilinai ?Brezhnev ,to all border troops, as well as the special forces command, he requested that all forces each search unit ,from twelve to thirty-six soldiers soldiers .
And ,he asked the troops sent all the sniper ,blocking all roads leading from the border ,and killed trying to escape from the Chinese border assassin .relationresultSovietborder troops after receiving the highest command, they sent large sniper ,lying in the snow, open big net is waiting for Wang Weiye to arrive .
relationresultThe age ofYuri is thirty-one years old, has been in the snow latent one day .When it got dark ,he never dreamed that ,good luck will fall on his head .When Wang Weiye left him thousands of metres, Yuri had found him in sight .
relationresultAlthough Yurifrom type PU sight to see Wang Weiye, but now he is with his mouth open ,looked at high speed in the snow ,not running to his side and come, but in the snow drift ,and describe the most appropriate .
relationresultYuri is nowin the hands of SVT 40 ,with PU type sight ,magazine can accommodate up to 10 7.62mm, killing distance in 2000 meters of the sniper rifle ,Yuri he couldn firing point ,to kill Wang Weiye .
relationresultWang Weiyedo not want to line drives, but because the forest trees is too dense .He was running time, but also to pay attention to the front ,not in front of the tree with a kiss .
So ,Wang Weiye dashed line ,was erratic, point pattern are not .relationresultApl sniper ,he must have more than 0.5 seconds of time ,can lock the target .relationresultAlthoughYuri is a very good sniper, but he has not yet reached a level of a sniper .
Yuri wanted to kill the target ,must want to have 0.8 to a second time .Wang Weiye this erratic body, let alone to give him 0.8 to a second time ,I 0.3 seconds have time for him .relationresultThegoal is more and more close ,staring down less than a kilometre distance .
Yuri according to his experience ,in two the tree space ,finally found Wang Weiye point .relationresultWhen Yuriin type PU sight to see the shadow of Wang Weiye he gently pulled the trigger .
relationresultBang , relationresultWhen Yuripulled the trigger at the same time ,Wang Weiye felt the threat of death .So ,he chooses the foundation in Yuri ,and did not like Yuri he would run straight ,but to the right side of the tree to hide .
relationresultWang Weiye wasjust the right move, he felt the shoulder muscles ,is something to bite ,followed by a very huge ache feeling into Wang Weiye ,he was hiding in a tree behind, bowed saw the left shoulder by a bullet through a large hole in the blood from the wound ,is to take out .
He made a point of several acupuncture points, can be wound is too large ,although Wang Weiye points to seal ,but still kept to the extravasation of blood .relationresultAlthough YuriSVT40 sniper rifle ,at gunpoint installed silencers ,but from the muzzle of the sprayed powder ,or will Yuri hiding place exposed .
relationresultFrom injury toseal the wound ,Wang Weiye in less than two seconds ,he from behind the tree ,have found Yuri hiding covert .relationresultWound andwind that blows, Wang Weiye was standing in the fire ,that is really hot .
While Wang Weiye rubbed my hand sweat on his forehead ,his bare teeth hurt ,he also side whispered whispered * * ,you fucking his uncle ,a B hell, how there is a sniper .You he me * * * large ,heavy ,creator of big .
He had a little bit too late then ,his grandmother B and Yama sleeping in a bed . , relationresultYuri knows,he just did not hit the target .Although he knew that his position has been exposed, but he did not immediately transfer .

