
cheap beats by dre ittle sorrow wayI

 Because several cellular phone bell rings imitate at the same time ringing out of Buddha inspiration, he unprecedentedly peeps out one silk bitter and astringent, sigh a way:"Seeing to me is to underrate this teacher way, Zhao Jia's person indeed as expected has no a good people and all says that Zhao Jia Yai Zi necessarily reports, indeed as expected not false."

On this day, rather shake a father rather Piao because"style problem" relieved a post, rather master son in the house also thoroughly retreats two lines.

Lin Xi's household 2 people adjust to leave incumbent position, Lin Jia straightly descends in the troops' influence.

The Yan house is unique a still have no passive household.

But Yan the parent give Yan little to make a phone call of time, only said three words to him, "roll Peking once!"

The insolent youth chapter 460 great king of the fourth university breaks a soldier

One inside etc. city in Hebei, the Yan mountain snowflake is greatly like seat, scan widely to hope to go, thousand trees ten thousand tree as if the pear flower blossom a sort white extremely keen, just so-called white snow dislike beauties of spring night, so wear a court tree to make to fly a flower.

Shadow of human figure of spacious street in the city sparse, an around touch about 20 years old youth slowly but go, the shape abnormality is tall and big in stature, particularly for surprising is at this kind of nearly the cold season of 5 degrees below freezing point in he only wore piece short sleeve T-shirt, one meter is 85 statureses, the slightest not give person bulky stagnant feeling.Is contrary, the that veins almost perfect muscle gives him astringent astonishing explosion dint, he so aimless lazy run about, the silk not cares a beam the surprised look in the eyes of surroundings.

The night view condescends to come, he at will the big gear in a busy streets area a small booth sit down and lighted chafing dish and in poor fettlely swallow, doesn't eliminate half the fire burns for minute of a chafing dish be cleaned off, immediately he again call the second, at owner of shocking in he easily solve a second assurance and continued to want the third, side if is unmanned.Arrive as he is wanting to be the sixth, owner embarrassed way:"Brothers, this is the last bowl, this bowl of regard as me to invite you, medium not medium?"Make money although the first is important, in case of made a human life to doom, owner where once saw eat so a fierce person, absolutely is an African refugee break out of in the camp come of guy.

"I don't have overlord's meal."

Youth the cool way is always that to don't since the facial expression of interest lift everything and take out 200 pieces to put on the table from the pocket.

The wry smile that the owner has no alternative shakes head, what can he also say?Looking at this youth weak dress, he can not help doubting the brains of this guy whether a little bit problem, however the air that sees youth seems the definite doesn't matter is several cold weather of below zero degree, that owner is in the light of rather little one of many one matters to deal with affairs standard to no longer realize youth, selfishly the entertainment rises other guests.

"Ya Ya Pei of.I go shopping to see one little girl today, that shape, Ze Ze, absolutely heel with us save one the beauty is a standard of Wu Zi Huang, I am in the light of to miss the spirit that Be not willing to pass up to strike up a conversation, and how to wear result?Do you try and guess?"

A whole body package elephant the youth of the Zong-zi flow in flow a spirit way, Diao in the mouth a toothpick, the Qiao rises cross-legged, outlooking and the small bludger of play such roles look exactly alike.He hopes 67 partners of surroundings, the smiling face is trivial, probably is read several year, book just drop out ground that kind of grounds of ruffians, there is also the meaning to so order cultured shameless lout.

"The Feng is little, that girl can't direct your slap, Hey Hey, so ground words really enough and miserably of, the Te doesn't have face bird.Does "a statures doesn't arrive one meter six of dwarf sarcasm way, " want to be not me to appear publicly to fix?"

"Make your mama, you think the women in nowadays are all so savage, roll your ground bird egg!Accidentally is a civilization now person, what to speak is a tasty, what to say is state, and your a bird person whom kid's park didn't graduate understands what.I treat by country's private of beauty, the beauty nature treats me by country's private, ha ha!"

Be called little youth Chuai of Feng Chuai that dwarf is one feet, got fall on one's back dwarf doesn't matter ground by the Chuai to clap dust, uprising whisper, the person of neighborhood smiles happily to flatter a way:"The Feng is little, difficult the tree that don't become that girl to see you growing jade face breeze high big domineering, Ya of accompany you to open room to go?"

"Dog's dung!"

The Feng curses and scolds less way, "this young master be praised as seven a night Langs, if opening room can also accompany your se hunger and thirsts to want Boeing 747 all beat down of sex maniac Yin does the thief talk idly here?"

"Did that telephone number always come to hand?The number number there is blessing together enjoying and hurriedly give° the number the brotherses!Several rates that everyone succeeds up and like this together also greatly order, who succeed who come to order fan's medicine when the time comes, everyone holds together!"

"Your these bastard in dog days, that girl said a words."

Feng little depressed way, inclined see these eager to have a trily person's residue, way:"Has not Lao Tze used to shine on a demon mirror, you so quick appear original shape?Still hold together, rape by turn for the not afraid accused?An is been crafty by the chicken in the jail when the time comes!"

"Be not, what did that girl exactly say?"

"She says that eldest brother, you grows very a wild beast parties!The person is specially attracted to only two kinds of people in the world, 1 kind is especially beautiful of, 1 kind is you such.You, hurriedly go to a zoo and see to have accommodation your work, you are down the street like this run about aimlessly be very easily shot to kill by the police.Oh, you trust, I can't reveal yours with police's uncle."

Depressed Feng little sorrow way:"I still keep being so frivoled by the woman for the first time, want to beat her since the childhood, again cant not bear to heart, much water works properly of beauty.Think ascend she, the least bit the courages all had no.You want to smile and then smile, no big deal, malicious despise me!Let storm come some more violent!Real warrior presumes to keep noodles miserably thin life!"

The whole field suddenly and violently smiles, the neighborhood is incognizant of the customer also all can not help smiling.

Only the the tall and big in stature youth that try very hard to and eat chafing dish has no the least bit feelings variety, if cautiously observe, will discover that he doesn't have the skin part that the clothes cover up and distributes the scar formation that the consumedly small interleave maneuvers and constitutes an uncanny pattern and is together like totem, mysterious, bloody.

"Hear is southern prince's party about to go up north to open hostilities with our mafia alliances?"Shape,such as the youth of bamboo pole, eats to catch fire a pot of side to wipe perspiration the side pant way:"Be don't know a result meeting how."

"All say strong Long Dou however ground head snake, afraid what, hold!I don't believe that what sub- prince's party can in the north also thwart walk."That dwarf defies a spirit way.

"The words are to say so of, although our Northerner on spoiling fierce good Dou than southern person's young tiger, is also our north to rape south on the history, I feel this prince's party remarkable.You only think, it just used how long kill in the heavily surrounding of all of the old little gangs, subsequently with the G save for does the center extend a landscape everywhere?If I didn't record wrong of words, is four years, four years, it destroyed axe to help and annexed by force Shanghai green help.See our north again, Qi Lin will, sunflower will, the northeast tiger help, which can match prince's party alone?Even if there is now northern mafia alliance, although I isn't the key personnel of inside, can also mostly guess that it is too lax to doesn't coagulate dint too much for government too respectively.Prince's party is different, a prince, who with contend for Feng?"The Feng is little to speak contentedly way, exactly is the person who gets hold of graduation certificate in the senior high school, chase circumferential of person all suddenly and leisurely of one Leng one Leng of.

A middle age customer who just opened to speed to ground let go of chopsticks and lightly applaused, the smiling face was full of deep idea.

The Feng little exaggeration ground embraces a boxing way:"Many thanks to this brothers support, otherwise I towarded nearby this a few pigs to play the piano to the cow, ha ha!"

That idle youth opens always the Mi rises of eyes,cheap beats by dre, quickly once swept this middle age and call a Feng little person, immediately again is that kind of cold facial expression.

"The Feng is little, that you say the prince of prince's party and war tiger Xiao breaks a soldier which can beat?"Dwarf curious about way.

The Feng is little surprising Be getting more silent this time, but the others start blasting open a pot of ground to discuss.

"Certainly was a Xiao to break a soldier, south first war will, is this to come out at a time?This is to fight a tiger to tee off to ground with the fist!"

"Breaking wind is certainly that Related articles:

