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The task will meet you this pile of shit and matchless familiar cheery voice came ,but the tone is full of irony .relationresultYou guys ,don look no ! Another man rang out cold .
relationresultOh ,eighteen touch ,you say you is it right? Bitchy ,give the president face don kill you is found ,but think I give you face you? .Unique war laughingly said .relationresultDefiant and how, over six afraid of you ,have a kind to begin ! Unique war and then changed the subject, but also make nothing of the defiance .
relationresultApick six ?This guy is so arrogant ?relationresultYou wait here ,I used to have a look . Xiao Hua in the team to the passer-by said ,heart curiously, prepare to sneak past have a look .
While in stealth ,Xiao Hua thought, and took the hooded towel out surface covered .relationresultBypassing thehigh cliffs ,Xiao Hua vision appeared in the seven or eight person .relationresultThis areahas obvious changes in the ground .
No longer is a desert ,and has appeared on some hard soil ,in front of Xiao Hua more than 10 meters piece of land with some unknown flowers or herbs are ground ,unique war slightly tall figure standing there ,at his side ,there is a short hair ,look very cool white robe .
.. .Unique war opposite, is a six-man team . Hum !Don think nobody knows you the secret skills ,cast to anger in four, my old rage ,hurt once again ,we just arrived ,saw you cast the anger skill ,you now angry sky .
Most will only caused an injury ,an injury would want to kill us ? I don think we really afraid of you, .Eighteen touch hand one brandish ,saw the squad member was first raised his wand !relationresultThe silence .
The priest a sound light drink ,method skill towards the war is matchless two finger !relationresultUnique warcould not help is a surprise ,he didn eighteen touch team vicar is actually to the class ,and joined the dark camp learned this silent skill .
relationresultSilentskills based on skill level ,can let the target at least above are unable to use any skills ,including the skills and equipment ,or groups of magic, in the Geng is very useful !relationresultSystemTip: you were silent skill hit ,7 seconds can not use any skill !relationresultUnique warsee all skill icons all dim down ,this silent silent skill ,interest .
Unless good luck ,with the fastest speed out of the range of skills ,or can only wait for skill was sealed !relationresultLooking at you kid is a mad ,today let you die here ! Look fierce eighteen touch up .
Before them a team is unique war an angry sky all seckill directly ,although two party chairman to avoid further expanded ,all matter in the negotiations, let two people put it ,but the eighteen touch is not a leave the matter at that person ,where to have so easily put it ,hate ,then the president orders left behind .
relationresultThe kite ,you be silent ?.Unique war toward the side of the pastor asked .His side of the priest named kite ,has joined the light side ,bright camp priest on dark camp skills have innate immunity status .
relationresult4 seconds to calm the kite replied ,at the same time steps backward shift answer urgently ,she has already seen eighteen touch there mage and Archer began to attack ,eighteen touch and another soldier also began to they rushed in ,two teams are far but is several metres distance ,being struck by a melee around ,for her it ,but is also the largest battle is only hold one person .
relationresultAh,or very difficult . Unique war sighed ,let alone without the use of skills ,even if can use skills ,being the other melee wrapped up ,they will become the target of attack by remote .
relationresultRun ,and other skills recovery . , relationresultHey ,I also intend to do . Unique war hey hey laugh, hurried to go .relationresultButso close to the distance ,two talent back to step two ,the mage and Archer attack fell ,beats by dre cheap,two people lost a small section of the old !relationresult!Drainage master .
Unique war unfortunately took slow ,speed was slow down .relationresultThe kite you run, I stopped them ! Eighteen touch and another soldier was rushed in .Want to run is not possible, unique war immediately turned around ,with ordinary attack cut the past !Then the fearless of death for a just cause to kite boron shouted ,look like the kite .
.. Have an axe to grind .relationresultThe war is matchless pastor does not dry ,tube !relationresultTouchthe right cut to discuss ,to side soldier shouted to battle Hao leaves .Understanding the priest also made no trick to !relationresultTwo soldiersplus the archer and the mage ,unique war situation immediately become very dangerous ,and his rank is not very high .
I wait for the kite silence over, he will be hanged !relationresultBut in the meantime,distant suddenly is a flash of white .Eighteen touch team vicar was dead !relationresultXiao Hua in thedark queen stabs the priest ,crit with sneak attack bonus ,on the spot by a nearly three thousand old injuries ,the priest left more than one thousand fat ,startled, also did not react, Xiao Hua hand in a flash ,and he drew four or five attack ,in all of people still do not know what happened before, to the suddenness of the stand to pastor stem turned on the ground !relationresultThe mageand Archer is not lost ,who did not think the war is matchless was a help ,but that the Knights have nothing to do ,the first time to react .
Toward Xiao Hua Chong over, intended to stop !relationresultXiao Hua ����flash,gently escape Knight ,such as the phantom of the opera ,to master approximation !relationresultThe mageis startled, immediately took the transported man !relationresultHurry up against him ! The transported man just teleport to a distance of two metres ,that distance is not a problem for Xiao Hua ,Xiao Hua foot movement ,and forced the past ,master met ,panic at Archer yell ,although he can use continuously transported man ,but now can be used for a maximum of eight times ,eight times the seemingly many ,but only ten seconds !relationresultSlowKnight tried to attack Xiao Hua is clearly impossible ,but Archer wants to attack is very simple ,Archer bow, a shock arrow to shoot past Xiao Hua !relationresultBut Xiao Huabig step ,just barely escaped the archer attack ,in the master wants to attack the .
Steps toward looming twist, mage !relationresultThe mageis helpless, can only continue to use a transitional change !relationresultWhat ! Eighteen touch felt behind the priest and mage Archer is shot .
By surprise to look past ,saw the priest fell to the ground ,a masked man such as the phantom in general and Archer played mage will run round in circles ,the knight can only stand and stare !relationresultWho is this guy?relationresultUnique waris more surprising ,the priest fell instantly, he found Xiao Hua .
Xiao Hua the strange pace, such as ghosts terrifying speed .It is with his mind of all the people I know do not coincide !relationresultThen,a soft white light fell in battle is matchless body, unique war lost most of the old immediately recovered a small cut !Unique war spirits .
Know the silent state lifted the kite !relationresultFlash stretcher ! The kite a cold drink came, unique war without thinking, jumped aside !relationresultUnique warjumped aside when, a white light from behind the kite is shot .
The ball appears in eighteen touch two fighters when, suddenly screeched to a stop ,a swirling white ,two people took over, two person action suddenly become very slow .And a hundred red damage numbers from two head up !relationresultKitestaves to lift ,a dispel fell in battle is matchless !relationresultKite. Related articles:

