It is appearing to have no circumstance that the soldier can send under the circumstance like this, completely doing not have an accident.
"Is alas!In fact we and France is an allies,, if the French's army can appear good."Mainland meeting chairman man tested a gram to sigh 1.
Foreign help?In the Kang cypress heart a bright.
"In fact we also not is there is no troops to be begged?"The Kang cypress surmises of say.
"?Invite a gram, what
"This ……is Indian's soldier."The Kang cypress hesitated to say out.
See all representative's cities one disagreeing of face, continue right away explanation way:
"Although now the overwhelming majority tribe in the Indian, all took part in British to our attack activities, actually many tribes kept neutral, or was to go and live with us, however the fault for proceeding from an Indian to ever commit to our compatriot, we have never thoughted of to employ them just.Know to all, the Indian isn't united, they win a lot of tribes each other old grudge of several a hundred years, ratio and our old grudges want to be big much, if mean to say to move a few Indian's tribes, attackstone British army for us, is to attackstone Indian's soldier in the British army at least, that should be not difficult."
This next everyone don't talk.
Use an Indian, at colonize key figures that almost can be treated as a topic of taboo.
If talk of isn't a Kang cypress, isn't his this"easy conqueror of Luo Kui", change into whichever small potato, perhaps after saying this time words, his political prospect even is this person's body, probably Be getting over.
Because the Indian and North America colonized the old grudge of of for colonizing to say, really was too deep.Put Indian into colonize of
Section 166 captures alive the Kang China benefit
Say at the representatives of mainland meeting, most decisive of BE, only settle in North America and Indian will beneficial benefit conflict.Those is also all affairs that the high persons can see, they aren't likely to promise and the Indian's cooperations.
No matter is employ also good, cooperate let it be, everyone would not like to.Even if take no account of racial discrimination, only worry if became a friend with Indian now, in the future handle a bilateral relation difficulty, the many people doesn't agree with to cooperate with Indian as well.
Kang cypress this, everyone once in a very long while can not decide.
Now reckons to calculate to go, the only manpower resource that can make use of nearby, seem and then only have an Indian.For the sake of the victory of at present war, use Indian, be still for the sake of the farsighted benefits, continue to keep and the Indian's hostility.
This is really a problem that tests to compare the representatives mind.
The Kang cypress looks on coldly, and no longer make a noise an explanation.Just of words, only be regarded as an opinion, can't bring oneself what bad influence, but again say of words, become their oneselfs to have the suspicion to put in a good word for Indian.
"If just make the Indian beat an Indian, that our warriors should can't mind, but let the Indian shoulder to shoulder fights with us, this really has a little a difficulty."The military authority of the sand benefit text general representative came out to say sentence justice words.
"This my apprehensibility, in fact if only let a few Indian tribes, make a surprise attack another Anglomania Indian's tribe, we even can work behind the scenes, as long as hanging to appreciate to go for a while, Be just function like this really too small, and since effect time is also too slow."The Kang cypress point nods.
"Or make them make a surprise attack another Indian's tribe first to halt
Colonize the bias soil Zhao and the idea of white man supremacy under the influence of ages, the United States in now, ignore is what person, all more or less have 1:00.Even if now situation so crisis.Let them beg an Indian to help, these representatives be still at 1:00 all not the original intention do.
Making the Indian develop now is independent
"The warfare of that north is not is can slow a slow?"A Fu Ji Ni second representative says.
This sentence is a , the representative of those north prepares to oppose right away naturally, but hero Fu is lousy suddenly puts to come in.And is direct to say to the Kang cypresses:
"Invite gram, send a soldier which, parties how much soldier, still you to decide.This was originally the job and power of your military and arms committee chairman.We these the mainland meeting representative come out a discussion and actually had a little more power.And I feel.Even if we make decision, it was so accurate to certainly would not have you as well the decision for making."
Those representatives listen to hero Fu lousy this sentence, just suddenly respond to come over.
Ask for help to act this time really because relate to oneself