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Unfortunately they ground the knife isn't enough quick."Equally all over the blood dyes of fierce Man Chengkong University smile to hold close Yang Chen Huan, in the eye but have already had a tears flower to twinkle ……
Sung view settle three June, year 19, at be heavily surrounded at help south after about three months, city's keeping firmly in mind oneself is Mongolia a Sung flag of Gao Ju Da Dun from descendant in Chinese house to rebel Li Jun main force, finally at help south southeast seven in the place and the big Sung reinforcement join forces for battle, history top origin should at help south drive Mongolia troops whole Jianses' Li Jun's main force also knew from the reinforcement old thief of Gu for they prepare of withdraw a plan, for they of greatly broke through siege to indicate road.The car wheel of history, lightly turned again in this a moment a curved----However at this worth Be in remembrance of of history time, had an out of harmony voice to leap out ……
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The third Xiang sun blood chapter 16 benefit the south break through siege
Renew time:2009-8-220:13:45 chapter word numbers:5769

Although join forces for battle in the battlefield.But not represent Li Jun and the Cao a life time male soldier have been out of the woods.Mongolia the troops still keep smelling blood similar to hug to come over from the all directions Feng in the elephant fly.The situation is thousand times urgent.The Cao a life time male even all have no time to go over the old days after very seeing Lee.Is direct and then shout loudly a way:"General Lee.Eastwards!Eastwards all break through siege to the benefits!"
"Is understand!"Lee loudly answers-battlefield on fight one deafening.Not and loudly yelling is still really out of hearing.Lee loudly roars a way again:"Carefully order.These three months inside we broke through siege to six times fail toward the east.The Da son set out Zhang Hong Fan and the crack troops of the history Ze in the sky in the east.All not deal with!"
"Know!Open a new road to hand over to us,beats by dre australia."The Cao a life time male loudly roars a way:"Yang Chen Huan.The opportunity of your boy came!The east is that you has been shouting and chops down the history Ze in the sky that he revenges.All give you the hand thunders leaving.The going to opens a new road for Lao Tzes!"
"Ha ha.Finally can seek an old dog of that traitor of China to revenge!"Yang Chen Huan laughs wildly 1.Without extra trouble throw to have already chopped down a steel knife of blade in hand.Draw out to provide for use steel knife from the back.Raise knife to roar loud a way:"The rabbit Zai sons.Can see blood again.With Lao Tze is to the east.Chop down to die a history the Ze is for sky!"The last beam falsely descends Liang slanting.Yang Chen Huan's direct descendant generally belongs to those to ride a soldier also have no a not is love to kill into sexual bedlamite.Hearing the task that opens a new road in the disorderly soldier not only doesn't worry nervous.On the contrary an elephant beat a similar double of eyes of chicken blood red.Is strange to make the strange Rang wear to hurtle with Yang Chen Huan to whole army forward of most before.
"History Ze old dog in sky.Come out!Come out!"Yang Chen Huan wildly roars to flick knife like breeze.Meet a person to kill people.Meet Buddha Tu Fo.His direct descendant 500 people are also whole is an old Gu thief to permit specially he the freedom choose the most crary Wu life Tu in the troops.Belong to that kind of to smell bloody flavor will crazy type.Although the enemy of front is many.To them but is the best opportunity in a ground that makes the weapon satisfied to drink a blood.Is blunt to kill such as under the fierce tiger mountain.Like the wolf is like flock of sheep.The steel knife downfall, long gun stabs source.It all is a blood to splash.All is break limb remnants arm to fall off to fall.They opposite of Mongolia troops five although also be regarded as contemporary 12 flow of main troops.But be still been blunt by them must successively withdraw in defeat.It be abruptly killed a blood road.Many troopses are simply drive Yang Chen Huan of this rides a soldier to directly hurtle to spread.Don't know that the rushing of southeast northwest spreads to run about aimlessly.Subsequently drive the behind Cao of Feng hug but top a life time male the soldier and Li Jun cooperate to step into minced meat.
Northeast direction's being apart from battlefield isn't very far a soil top of hill.Be responsible for in command of eastern history Ze in the sky of noodles battlefield occupy vantage point to see Sung soldier to ride soldier Mongolia various road a life time intercepting of Hou the troops is blunt is completely routed.But Mongolia all troops' ones of a life time Hous are confusion,Beats By Dre Diamond.But have no a troops to put to there is a Zong deeply intercepting a form.The history Ze in the sky not from spirit denounce openly."A flock of stupid goods!With the wild blow is disorderly.You want to give Sung the person and traitor Lee's manufacturing break through siege of opportunity?History Gang.History Bin.Your 2 people is each to get this person's horse.Immediately go to the front that the enemy breaks through siege to deploy to fold.Work well to intercept the preparation that the enemy rides a soldier!"
"Follow instructions."The history Ze ground in the sky four son history Gang and seven son the history Bin respectively promise 1.In a hurry get a soldier bottom to set out.The history Ze in the sky changes direction Zhang Hong Fan to say again:"Nine generals.Trouble your to ride soldier's troops to move the northern side of enemy's soldier to work well preparation.A short while hears the war drum voice ringing.Your troops pound at enemy soldier loins.Must block enemy's soldier waist to cut off.Make enemy the soldier beginning and end Be hard to mutually attend to."
"Follow instructions.The whole army conductor pleased old general."Zhang Hong Fan is tiny tiny a smile.Is also get a soldier but go.The history Ze in the sky then orderanies soldier to blow to ring horn.Let all destriers continue forward and Sung soldier, Li Jun's confused conflict.The dragging along Sung soldier step deploys for own troops to fight for time.The troopses that wait until history Gang, history Bin and Zhang Hong Fan all deploy a good enough empress.The history Ze in the sky this just loudly order way:"Blare a gold.Each troops withdraws battlefield!"
"When when be be be be!"The brass gong voice rises everywhere to ring indiscriminately.Each get entangled in fighting with Sung soldier Mongolia troops if receive general amnesty.Fight to be the first.The tidewater sort retreats to spread.Sung soldier and Li Jun all feel pressure a light.The step immediately speeds a lot.Hurtle most before Yang Chen Huan to then loudly roar a way:"The Da sons backed.The brotherses.Follow me forward blunt!"Sung soldier's riding a soldier together voice is strange to call.The legs clip a horse forward fierce blunt.Can Yang Chen Huan's getting to ride soldier's forward have never rushed out two forward inside ground.Immediately discover that the circumstance is far from good----Front Mongolia the troops have already put an infantry exclusively use to overcome to ride a soldier to assault of fold.
"Is steady to live!Stop----!"Yang Chen Huan is somehow also a crack Sung soldier to be from.Know to ride a soldier face to face hard bump infantry to fold is a how wretched result----The absolute being arm bow, bow and arrow and near body hand to hand fight of three heavy the stereoscopic type fight.That taste isn't what ordinary people can bear.However Yang Chen Huan is very not easy at Mongolia the soldier absolute being arm bow artillery range outside accept troops.While being just preparing to think a way to offend to break to fold with the strategy.Afar Mongolia the troops' war drum have been already knocked to ring.A pay valiant matchlessly and Mongolia the troops kill from the orderliness in the disorderly soldier.Elephant a keep the troops loins of putting Sung soldier and Li Jun to the similar sting gun.Putting has to block the waist to Sung soldier and cut off power.
"Meet a superior."The Cao a life time male forehead the last sweat is billowing.Know conductor Mongolia troops' doing the commander-in-chief of war is a necessarily experienced battlefield experienced person.Is helpless under.The Cao a life time male has to toward Li Jiao Dao:"General Lee.All of us are to ride a soldier.Can't offend to break to fold.Bother you to adjust a long shield hand up to deal with a folding of Da son.Send a soldier again to intercept Da son to ride a soldier."
"Zheng Yan De.You get a long shield hand to hurtle a folding of Da son to the front.The fierce Man becomes.You take troops to intercept Da son to ride a soldier."Lee also knows now not is dispute who reserve real strenght who fight fierce battle ground for time.Resolutely sent two members will get go to and Mongolia troops' blood put together.The Cao a life time male then seizes an opportunity to take back already ex- the soldier waiting dislocated Sung ride a soldier.The Ning becomes 1 to work well to mount sudden attack preparation.Mongolia troops also Don't mention it.Multiply by Sung soldier and the rhythm of Li Fang Man to adjust the opportunity of troops.Is also respectively tidy up troops to prepare to do a war.The warfare vigorous degree compares of start having to lower.But the front of Sung soldier and medium road northern side juster all the more ruthlessness than it.Li Jun whom the fierce Man becomes to lead dies with the Qu dead of the flesh and blood anti- to live a riding of Zhang Hong Fan soldier.Last-ditch loins,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com;Zheng Yan De leads situation soldier to then raise long shield to in multiple layers push forward.Approach to left for with Mongolia the soldier fold a hand to hand fight.The sky arrowhead is like rain.Continuously someone arrives bottom.The ground grows shield wall.It is tidy but by leap and bound push forward.Wait until long shield hand with fold one the knife gun brigade before to collide with each other of.Landslide tidal wave generally and shout to kill a voice immediately to ring out before in two soldiers.
"Big Sung rides a soldier.The whole army prepares!"Lend sky clear like the silvery moonlight of daytime.The Cao a life time male discovers from the telescope the long shield hand that Zheng Yan De leads already and Mongolia the soldier folds to stir together.Immediately issue order preparation.But don't wait Cao a life time male to orderany big Sung to ride a soldier to mount sudden attack have already lost to flog heavily more shot effect ground to Mongolia fold.There and ever made Sung soldier heavy to is expensive the summer to once eat big Kui Mongolia a life time Hou Liu Yuan Li's department have already tidied up a good department Related articles:

