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Suddenly necessarily strong imperial palace, morrow's matching a necessarily red etc. person is also spread into an imperial palace, always drive got into an argument matter big palace.Enter big palace, match necessarily red first is see arrive suddenly necessarily strong just at and that great Sung emissary conversation, the morrow matches a necessarily red etc. person then surprised that the detection is suddenly necessarily strong to unexpectedly stand, took a full face of unimaginable exclaim to ask a way to that big Sung emissary:"Do you say 1 time again?You Sung does the person intend to open flight path in Yangtze River that the Xiang sun gets to Chengdu to me?!Are you playing trick?!"
"Yi?!"Matching is necessarily red and Mongolia many a life time Hous of all dare not believe his/her own ear----Open flight path in Yangtze River, represent suddenly necessarily strong instauration with vomit Fan and Sichuan Liu Hei Ma and great reason Wu is good admire mesa contact, to Mongolia of the importance be imaginable.But that Sung person the emissary is to suddenly necessarily strong one arch hand.Saying of equanimity but cordial but independent:"Is quite good, big Sung little Fu Gu way the adult have been already advertised for great Sung emperor banzai approval, prepare to open flight path in Yangtze River that the Xiang sun gets to Chengdu to the Mongolia suddenly necessarily strong sweat, Gu little Fu hence is special small to make Chen come mostly and suddenly necessarily strong sweat negotiation."
"What condition does big Sung want?Fight a horse?Land?Or money?"Almost doubt that oneself is dreaming suddenly necessarily strong too agitated even shiver voices----If big Sung really willing to give up rightness of flight path that is suddenly necessarily strong to open Yangtze River, suddenly necessarily strong but would like to take out 50,000 war horses exchange.Chen but shook to shake head.The clear voice answers a way:"The suddenly necessarily strong sweat please don't misunderstand, the Gu little Fu doesn't send small make to demand war horse, money or land, but hope with open flight path in Yangtze River for condition, to suddenly necessarily strong exchange a few Hahn people."
"What person?"It is suddenly necessarily strong to rise 1 kind to not and well prepare feeling.Chen is calm to answer a way:"Zhang Bang keeps, Li Yi.Wear song Xue, and their wife and children children.As long as the suddenly necessarily strong sweat approval renders unto big Sung of three generals and their family, so big Sung will unconditional open flight path in Yangtze River to the suddenly necessarily strong sweat.Make your country boats and ships able to keep watch on in the big Sung water soldier is between the Chengdu and Xiang sun under the free friendly intercourse."
It is utter silence in the big palace.Mongolia one square the everyone complexion is peculiar.The mongols and color eyes public feeling is hesitant.Hahn people the mood then is complicated-Gu old thief for saving to return to a few Hahn people ground life.Don't hesitate to open flight path in Yangtze River to the irreconcilable enemy.This energy and cherish to Hahn people's ground isn't ordinary people to compare.The son astute at heart sneers at.Have already guessed an old thief of Gu this undertaking ground real intention.Fruit not the son is astute anticipate.It is suddenly necessarily strong to contemplate very long.Indeed as expected hideous smile way:"Return to tell the Gu old thief.I don't ascend his ground to be----He wants to tell northern Hahn people with the activity.As long as build my ground anti- even if fail him will also make an effort to rescue.Very pitiful.I decide already tomorrow at mostly the execution ground in public traverse late Zhang Bang keeps waiting traitor whole family.He ground condition I can't promise."
"Suddenly necessarily strong sweat.Please consider again."Smile Chen's way:"Mongolia have already for four times sent an emissary claim to open flight paths in Yangtze River to all encounter brush-off.Flight path in Yangtze River to Mongolia importance have much big.Suddenly necessarily strong sweat than we big Sung is clearer.Use only several Hahn people to change the flight path open.To big Sung with all Mongolia is two benefits it raises."
"Dream!There is no company quantity!"It is suddenly necessarily strong to positively refuse.Is fierce to drink a way:"Want to let my Rao over rebel traitor not to kill.Covet!"Chen still means to say what.Is suddenly necessarily strong to compete first wave hand way:"Return to tell Gu way old thief.He doesn't want to think to hold my ground vital part and then can do as pleases.I sooner or later and one day want to get even with him.I will traverse tomorrow late live three traitor whole families of Guas of 23 people.If you have interest.Can arrive execution ground together view Xing.Now.You can walk."
"Since it is so.That Chen takes leave."Chen Jian's affair has already been irretrievable.Then and natural and unrestrainedly the arch hand takes leave.Looking at Chen to leave a ground of figure.Again see to kneel a facial expression in the big palace complicatedly and Mongolia soldier Hahn people a life time Hou.Suddenly necessarily strong gnash teeth in hatred way:"Still have you.Tomorrow also together arrive execution ground view Xing for me.Is a to all forbid to ask for leave!I want to show you.Betraying me will be what end!"
"The minister waits a Zun aim."17 road Hahn people a life time Hou each shudder promise.Include to help south ten thousand Zhang Rong and Zhang Hong----Will soon be traversed late live Gua ground of Zhang Bang keep but they ground close son and close uncle.This time if isn't that their flag is clearly fresh advocacy Be suddenly necessarily strong to destroy completely Lee.This time decollation list ascend definitely run not to drop them ……
Proceed from various considerations.Didn't is suddenly necessarily strong not to immediately declare to kill failure Lee to a life time Hou troops Jiao ground punishment decision.Only is astute in the son crustily the skin of head ground persuade under keep Zhang Bang waits a person with Li Yi wife and children ground the body slicing penalty change to decapitation;Still have be hear to match to necessarily and redly suggest.Keep Zhang Bang to wait person to traverse late come down ground person meat the cent appreciate Mongolia many a life time Hous edible.Then declare that the court discussion spreads.It is midday the second day.Is suddenly necessarily strong to indeed as expected lead Mongolia official hierarchy to send out view Xing.Return to the utmost biggest may call mostly common people to come to watch.The ground that the decision wants to use to traverse to be late to live Gua is ruthlessness to shake a Zhe determent Central plains Hahn people to regard with hostility to the mongols ground----Particularly is now Gu old thief all day drum Dao some demagogy Hahn people hostility mongols ground publicity.Thus ground determent can not even be getting less.
Noon three engrave nearby, mostly myriad people inside the city empty lane, outside huge crowd inside the execution ground, jamed to come to watch use penal each clan common people.Zhang Bang keeps, Li Yi and wear the song Xue San Ming's principal offender and their wife and children totally 23 people be also escorted the high on the stage of execution ground, will be traversed late Zhang Bang to keep 3 people be worn bone with the nail to nail in the Xing.The blood follows drive the nail sting break a real estate skin the drop arrive wood on the stage and order intravenous drop drop, just all of 3 people are iron bones hard man, although enduring molestation but doing not hum is a , it really lets mongols and color eyes the person pretty much disappoint.Their wife and childrens then cry number not only.Remit to 1 with the execution ground voice clamoring.
Noon two engrave, Mongolia the official hierarchy is each to take the seat, suddenly necessarily strong get confident to ascend view Xing in person set for, suddenly necessarily strong look around a turn of execution ground first, discover that the big emissary Chen of Sung didn't be present, suddenly necessarily strong not from some disappointment-more hoping that the big Sung officials see the decision that they destroy completely treachery is suddenly necessarily strong.See again to drive living nail Xing of Zhang Bang on keep 3 people.Peep out hideous smile on the suddenly necessarily strong face, loudly call a way:"Zhang Bang keeps, Li Yi.Wear song Xue.Can your 3 people know that the offense denies?If your 3 people know that the offense repents, I am lenient with offenders, the ground of your 3 people 120 knife body slicing penalties change to the Xing of eight knives."
"Pei!""Pei!"Zhang Bang keeps all despise with Li Yi of to suddenly necessarily strong vomit the one mouthful takes blood of spittle, ignore.Wear a song Xue then twist a head the common people out of the viewpoint field, loudly call a way:"Mostly the Hahn people common people in the city listen to, we today for the sake of Hahn people but dead, dead but have no Han!Always have so for a day.There is also an of indomitable spirit Hahn people hero station coming out.Drive out Da Lu, recover river's mountain in the Chinese house!Give relief to you these be bullied a ground of Hahn people by the Da son,Beats By Dre Justbeats!That day.Isn't very far ……."
"Die to happen still just mouth is hard, slap on the face for me,Beats By Dre Diamond!"Is suddenly necessarily strong great anger rant way.The executioner favour of the Xing on the stage is connected box on the ear that wears song Xue with the wood card.Keep a dozen wear the song Xue Shuang Jia's swollen and inflamed, blood crosscurrent in.Wear a song Xue then have no to be afraid, on the contrary call receive benefit hair loudly, subsequently to suddenly necessarily strong denounce openly, "dog Da son!Dog Da son!Return me Central plains!Return me Central plains!"The end is still Zhang Hong Fan to hurtle ascend Xing set, fill with a wood hard fill into wear a song Xue Kou in, this just will wear a song Xue Di to scold arrestment.
"Is stupid and stubborn, feed not and satisfiedly wolf Zai son!"The suddenly necessarily strong spirit must shiver all over, a strike table to call a way:"Execute criminal!Killed these three whole families of traitors first all, let the wife son that they see how does the old and the young die!"
"Big sweat, hour non-arrival."Son astute soft-voiced arrestment way:"Press man laws settle, criminal decollation have to in the noon three engrave, still differ half to engrave a clock now."
"Go***man method!If not is let your these men pretty the son work oneslf to the bone for me, I go Chinese method of complete nonsense!"The way that is suddenly necessarily strong to roar a sincere talk, stand up rant:"Kill,beats by dre!Kill for me!"
"Execute criminal!"Executing criminal an officer is helpless, have to to let the executioner pull out Zhang Bang to keep wait person wife and children back of famous brand, raise knife desire to chop down ……
"The knife bottom stays a person----!"A action that is long to drink to interrupt executioner.Is public to twist a head to see go, but see big Sung Related articles:

