
beats by dre t swallows to vomit

Chapter 143 miraculous treasure pig
The Xuan turtle is the world absolute being monster with a number, also the strongest existence.
Its back hull is absolutely the treasure thing that the owner longs for day and night.But, only and personally once got in touch with the He of Xuan turtle hull on blaring to just know, the Xuan turtle hull would never be only to forge a world one protection treasure the machine is so simple.
On the Xuan turtle hull son, have a mysterious veins, these veins in, affirmation includes a certain world truth.
In this impermanent world, the Xuan turtle hull unexpectedly and naturally owns a certain and miraculous strength.Once the He blare to have this felling unclearly, if he can Xuan turtle hull on of those veins three Wus are very clear, probably he can exceed the end one step that crosses over Shinto from the humality.
This felling equal of mightiness, but in this half this book in, some wood grains on the patterns are as exactly the same as the veins of Xuan turtle hull.
One is what absolute being monster naturally owns, include the wood grain of world truth, another then in former days world one Shinto the super Mi book stayed by superior.
This both will have thus miraculous contact ……
So,beats by dre, He a blare would for the sake of this half originally five lines of Mi books but didn't hestitate ground to promise a Yu impermanent request.In the He a blare of see in the eye, for the sake of this thing, which afraid pay again big of price, also worth.
Carefully browse a hand-written copy, He one the eyebrows blaring Be just a little wrinkly to get up.
He can affirm, this hand-written copy is absolutely the thing of quality goods at reasonable prices, but the problem is, after watching a hand-written copy, in his heart the Sao Yang delivering more Be difficult to be.
Although his attraction for follow-up part is equally strong,his attraction for follow-up part compares under, he still keeps wanting to watch the original of this Mi book.
After evaluation and technique seen the wood grain sketch of top, and revolved to five lines of strengths, He a blare have been already made sure.At the Mi book in hand in the Yu house, it absolutely is the book of Shinto.
But each person's comprehension toward the book of Shinto, affirmation can't be same.And is to relate to five lines of transmigration of souls because of the book of this Shinto, person isn't 5 lines and fix, is all anyway can not will among them the most decisive place such as on the spot copy to record.
Is long long the ground sighed an one breath, He a blare of heart in dark hate, he has already thoroughly understood a calculating of Yu house.
They of so send this Mi book to oneself, there is in fact no much good heart.Because they know, this is a bait, to oneself, basically can not refuse of bait.For the sake of the book of this Shinto, which afraid know perfectly well front is Long Tan Long's cave, he has to go, either.
Win certainly although the Yu house of capital city is strong,once the He blare to believe, they are unlikely to unscrupulously want disadvantageous to they.
After all, his present identity is already a sky, the big elder of pond one vein, at his have to believe in lord adult and the remarkable prediction sub- adult after death.No matter who want to move him, have to consider the result for terribling.
Accepted a hand-written copy, once the He blare to silently recall the unusual pattern of this top, a long time after, he helplessly one give a deep sigh.Here what the pattern of noodles represents' containing an idea is really abstruse can not comprehend at all too much, with his current state.
At heart Tu once the ground move, once the He blare glorious one Shan of wrist, five lines of wreaths appear once again, while he then got into that huge space.
In five lines of middles of wreaths, have one geezer ray of light, five lines of of the dint constituted a huge light line according to the veins of Xuan turtle hull.
Feel this light line every time, He a blare of heart in will feel tremendous impact.After reading half originally five lines of Mi books at present, this felling more deliver mightiness get up.
Suddenly, in his heart have a kind of wishes of mightiness, he wants to grave in these mysterious wood grains, he wants and sees, this thing actually has what Wei ability.
Opened a double eyes, once the He blared to open necklace space, and choose one part of materials.
These material overwhelming majority is in the acquiring in the sea city in the sky of the Peng Lai fairy island, after returning to Chuang in the He house, he divided the half to Chu Hao state, let he help create the absolute being soldier's sharp weapon, but leave of half, all in here.
Canning be accepted into the sea city in the sky to hide the material of the treasure room is anyway the all the toppest kinds of goods, arbitrarily choose one similar, are all that ten thousand golds Be difficult to beg.
He a blare hesitate a long time, this just chose the most satisfied material for oneself, and took out Xuan iron once again.As for Long She's Cape, that no longer used.Because he wants to try of, is the extraordinary effect of these miraculous wood grains, but don't want to use Long She's Cape to bump a great luck.
After the whole preparation is ready, once the He blare to draw in these materials into stove in Kowloon and forge quietly.
His mood is very steady, the little bit isn't hasty either.The mindset like this undoubtedly suits most to forging teacher.
However, the forging this time destines to be not usual.
Is proper once the He blare to concentrate on in concentrating the spirit to the time in stove in Kowloon, he the Tu ground discover, oneself's five lines of light covers seem to be just at drive what things touch.But make him frightened more BE, the this light cover can not resist this invading of thing.
This is surprised but no trivial matter, He a blare to frighten almost to scare to death.If at this most the turning point be bothered, thing all previous work undone not only forge, even he wants to suffer from injury.
Just wanted disregard the ground saw take place what affair, He a blared Tu ground felt breathing that familiarly arrived extremity,Beats By Dre Justbeats.Is certain in his heart, immediately refrained from rash action mind once again, transfer the attention to stove in Kowloon inside.
What he feels is unexpectedly the breathing of treasure pig this small guy.
After this small guy accepted saint adult dragon's tradition, seemed to be also to become a bit mysterious to get up, more didn't know to use at present what means, unexpectedly connect his five lines of light act can also at obscure in get rid of.
However since is a treasure pig, He a blare also lazy must pay attention to.He from believe in heart bottom, this small guy absolutely can't endanger to own safety.
However, descend a moment, the He in astonishment discovers on blaring, in stove in Kowloon inside, suddenly many a wisp of idea reads.
That's right, this is absolutely the ability that the idea reads, and after coming in contact with this idea and reading, He a blare within an ace of nervous breakdown.
This will be the idea of treasure pig to read ability ……
The treasure pig, this pig, unexpectedly controled the ability that the idea reads!
Seemed to realize He one the surprise for blaring and don't understand, the idea of treasure pig read to spread an extremely warm and affectionate felling.
He a blare of immediately appeared a white white in the brain fat, just shake head to put tail toward him, peeped out to try to please the piggy of the smiling face like pug's sort.
He thoroughly had no language, simply no longer realize this idea to read, but put into the energy to the forging within stove of thing on.
However, he was very quick and then regretted.Probably because see He a blare don't blame and scold, so the courage of treasure pig greatly get up, its idea reads to unexpectedly hit toward those nine little fire dragons since then.
Face those huge and matchless wildfire dragons, the treasure pig seems to be also to have to be afraid of, so don't dare to provoke.But for just be born little fire dragon in a little while, it obvious don't so much have scruples about.
The strength of the treasure pig is once invading a fire dragon, immediately causing the changes of these little fire dragons.
All of these fire dragons are what He a blare the blood refining of using the saint monster but becomes, they for He a blare nature is to completely trust, but read not to sell a debt to treasure pig this unfamiliar idea.
The great power seethed, these little dragons gave up to melt in the center the absolute being soldier's proper business, beginning and treasure pig of the idea read to entwine.
He a blare immediately a head is greatly like Dou, however, haven't waited he to carry on to reprimand angrily to, the felling spread by flame tells him, this absolute being soldier's sharp weapon seems to model.
Once the He blare to can not consider of a treasure pig any further and give the order that nine little fire Long Xia reached to go all out.
Momentary, nine little fire dragons refrained from rash action the shape of that fierce Ba Ba and restarted to forge an absolute being soldier.
Allow just who also surprisingly BE, the treasure pig seemed to have fun to become addicted and unexpectedly and very unwilling to part withly made track for to come up, it rounds nine little dragons to beat to turn son and seem to want to see these small guys actually Be doing what.
Bomb however one Be huge to ring, burst to open in nine middles of little dragons, an a double-edged sword was abrupt however appeared at public in.
He a blare of eyes a bright, he without thinking beat a chain of fingerprints to go out.
These fingerprint achievement method not and together any rings, is that he comprehends from Shinto wood grain of five lines of Mi books and the turtle hulls of thing.Although these things only have so insignificant little bit, and currently seem to be really don't know to have much Wei ability, once the He blare to believe,Beats By Dre Diamond, as long as can successfully at these absolute being soldier sharp weapon up grave in these wood grains, for promoting the absolute being soldier's Wei can, will have a huge function.
For a long time after, this a double-edged sword bright dark, the ray of light swallows to vomit not certain, don't know to offer congratulation a to blare as well on it grave in of whether mysterious sign text is really useful.
Lead a long time again, huge ray of light flash across, this peeped out a double-edged sword finally original appearance.
But, He a blare of face top but flash across one color of silk disappointment.
Once this a double-edged sword and He blare a double-edged sword of speculation to have tremendous differentiation, not only the sword body is dreary to have no only, even the style also has some difference.
Once the He blare to draw a deep sigh, knowing the forging this time has already gorgeous failed.
In fact in stove in Kowloon, nine little fire dragons are responsible for a direct forging, failure of the possibility will weaken to lowest extent.
But, make people sorrow BE, have a little treasure pig this makes trouble ghost in one side, which afraid again smooth, the absolute being soldier is also hard succeed.
Seemed to feel He a blare of exasperation, the idea of treasure pig reads 1 to arouse to work properly and immediately escapes but goes to toward the internal and crary sort of Kowloon stove.
Once the He blare tiny Zheng, know later on far from good.The ability of the treasure pig, the in front in those jumbos, is like a mole cricket and ant just like.Presumably those overlord's dragons, as long as blow tone and then can give° the treasure pig to blow to put out.
Momentary, He a blare anxious.
He rather be willing to none of the materials want, don't hope that the treasure pig takes place as well any accident.
Profoundly absorb spirit, He a blare of gleam the ray of light of mightiness in the eye, his idea reads one edge district of sink, immediately leaving, facing that the wildfire covering with fly to ……
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