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Will not only send four Jing sea classes to come a support, but also just sign big achievement of the dirigible airship troops will also participate in this to take the offensive in.



Yokohama open sea.

On the sea surface in green jade blue, the more than tens stalwart battleship row becomes 1 brigade, all cannon towers pointed to harbor in Yokohama of distance not, the bulky gun muzzle projects light upon in the setting sun under, unexpectedly like tainted with 1 F blood-red color.

Inside harbor in Yokohama of distance, more than ten a column of smoke with bulky ways suddenly the Teng get empty but rise, after, a short moment's two light cruisers that hang Japanese navy's ensign lead a few warships of old teeth and slowly drove harbor,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com, the cannon tower tilt to one side, gun muzzle droop.

Long Guo Zhang raised telescope, on the warship body that see more than 2,000 tons, before or after each gearing a legal system is 250 millimeters of single tube cannon, in addition warship body two sides still installed eight 150 millimeters of vice- cannon.

The light comes up to see from the weapon allocation, these are two quite good cruisers, but according to the standard of Pacific Fleet, these two cruisers are everywhere flaws, front and back lead greatly main cannon, caused to once drink water a deeply proper sail to descend a lot, and Japanese domestic lacks a steel, so decks are still a wood of two warships quality, don't say to impede the warship cannon of cruiser class, perhaps is a destroyer to also let the other party all over light a fire.

Already and the western country is from the way confabulation lead of Long Guo Zhang very clear, this is always Japan at construct of secret warship, the original intention is similar to the Jing sea class, prepared to beat opponent a caught unprepared, but after blockading because 203 millimeters of warship cannon have no good enough, so can pack ascend 250 millimeters of shore cannon Chong of two legal systems number.

In these two cruisers after death, is other a few Japanese old style warships, they in current eight heavy mountainses are this kind of specialized communication warship, also have the quite a few iron hull wood quality sail of boat cruiser, there are even also two displacements however the small cannon boat of 100 tons.

For the cruiser warship Shou deck of head up, the west country was dressed in temporary new navy's uniform from the way and was full of in the look in the eyes perplexed, after he did this decision, he knows this road to can not turn head any further.

By the side of him, unexpectedly spread an utterly exhausted water soldier, hope row to become front-line of stalwart and dominant opponent, although everybody is making greatest efforts the dignity of maintaining Japanese navy, shiver of body and benumbed look in the eyes betrayed them.

Is very quick, when two cruisers lead of Japanese navy stop to depend pole-star under the stalwart gun muzzle, Meiji Ishin Revolution, after then Gao Gao flaunts of Japanese navy ensign starts a little is from the warship Wei flagpole up decline bottom.

After several minutes, rang out a burst of at the same time on Japanese forecastle deck whistle voice, water the soldiers line up a brigade, the facial expression benumbed in file stands down gangway and ascended already for a freighter that they ready to.

Looking at these waters soldiers who lower the head, have no morale, each one sees the Pacific fleets military officers of this scene all clearly, along with two naval battles and bomb a series activities like horizontal beard He,etc last night, Japanese navy already lose end confidence, say with it that these are navy's soldiers, also rather say to is a group of walking corpses, surrender then on the hoof go home, probably is the best choice to them.

After the hour, half's the last batch leave of Japanese water soldier opened sea valve, seven Japanese warships the beginning a little bottom sink under eying of everyone,dr dre cheap, although some regrettable these warshipses so be sunk,is regardless water a soldier,beats by dre, still military officer or is always like warship that more many more good Long Guo Zhang didn't obstruct.

This irrelevant race, irrelevant old grudge, this is the navy's tradition, adherence and dignity

Japanese navy failed, and very long in the future a period of time, the young master can't allow, either this armed services is appearing in Japan, although they domestic declare to still have several 100,006 soldiers, who all know, when these warships finally sink, Japan already go into the horizon of the setting sun sort slowly descend to sink.

This cruiser finally sinks into icy cold Tokyo bay bottom of sea on that day, Long Guo Zhang lifted wrist to see start form, resolute of next reached to finally orderany.

"Order heavy cruise to organize into teams, bombard shipbuilding factory in Yokohama."

After several minutes, four sea cucumber Wei classes were heavy to cruise to once round to sink a warship of area, the cannon tower starts slowly revolving.After several minutes, the first together shoots to tee off, very quick distance already be evacuated empty neither emit the fire regiment of having the big big inside the person's harbor in Yokohama, as the most important target, Japan shipbuilding factory in Yokohama finally be more subjected to point care.

Numerous shells in the sky point roar but lead, a mushroom cloud with huge is from the shipyard inside rise Teng but rise, in the cannon voice of Long Long, beating must work oneslf to the bone most of is a number in black Su and number in the full continent these are two is led by the leaf Zu 珪 and Sa town ice of two heavy cruise, because north of their identities and warship ocean old soldier, these two warships already profoundly print last north ocean branding, organic visit relatives to revenge at the moment, the warship grows of the government troopses particularly work harder.

On the freighter, the west country squats down from the way Related articles:

