
Artist Series ponse to the life h

Nobility in the house dedicates the king's gift to the saint and packed more than ten cars and had first army corps to transport under guard, the vehicle goes into a big camp and accepts to hand over to store in warehouse with the public juniors.At the beginning reflect the month offend to sink not to fall city the precious valuables looting have many therein.
Return to a big debt of the soldier in the saint's king, thunder in the sky exact center resides to sit, two list as each commander-in-chief, handsome time, great commander soldier etc. established seat and ejected very far and reflected the dynasty court in month decline minister, nobility to get queen Ge paid a courtesy called on saint, the king and his ministers starts taking a rest, evening, at in the soldier held to grandly celebrate achievement cocktail party inside the big debt, always the jollification is till dead hour.
On that night, saint king and bright moon the princess together go into to sleep a debt, Dian Long Dao Feng, need not narrate in detail.
Took a rest on the third, the saint king called many will, negotiate the affair that the star falls city.
The weather has already got into early winter at present, the star falls city a take although say not ascend very cold, after all still keep being winter, the soldier lives in much difficult inside the big debt, now blue bird soldier great victory, west only the star fall city, a city hasn't yielded, the saint king and each one will get heart to no longer bear, and solution problem was the only important event at present.
Negotiated along while, an end still a saint Wang Tian Lei clapped plank to make one person go to a star to fall inside the city and persuaded it to surrender, if three still have no action in the days to come, the blue bird soldier won't accept again to surrender and offend city with all strength, result complacent.
Reflect original Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of month the month Xiang go abroad as ambassador in response to the life, he is also very happy, the world is the world of blue bird dynasty at present, he cans be the first after surrendering and then handle affairs for the dynasty is also pretty much be honored, affair's doing very in the future a saint king by all means can't discommode him and do and not and very also have no what, oneself after all made an effort.
The month Xiang arrives at a star to fall a city bottom, upward appeal, soon the star Yu takes martial big minister of text to arrive at the south city wall in the door on, see one person request to go into the city, know is make minister, month prosperous commander-in-chief cautiously on seeing, the understanding reflected at first lunar of external big minister, the favour reported a report to the star Yu and let the Xiang in month come in and had the soldier the soldier to pull the Xiang in month into city with a set of basket.
At present, the west star empire at lose the sand of Pa Er his highness especially after if lost a lord heart bone, country lord star Yu vacant frighten into inaction, be still having a prime minister star's the soul so much is some ideas, unwillingly prop up at.Already all of the morale of troops inside the city have no, the sand of Pa Er especially of the dead make the courage that they lose to fight again, surrender just the affair sooner or later.
The star falls city only hope be reflect the person in month can defeat a blue bird soldier and make them escape from distress and regroup for battle and unwillingly keep on propping up, but before soon reflect the whole country in month to decline, the blue bird soldier held a great occasion, expeditionary officers and men is welcome, the star falls city up see clearly, the destiny of Wu country at at present.
The arrival of month Xiang like a death-warrant, the full dynasty text was martial the soldier's ultimatum all knowing blue bird to arrive and decide that the last moment of the west star destiny finally came.
The star Yu pulls the hand of the Xiang in month, silent have no language, he knows the Xiang in month, west star many big ministers all know him, the month Xiang is to reflect lunar of external big minister many friendly intercourses is between two countries, although the friendship of private not big, after all is understanding, also know the ability of the Xiang in month, especially prime minister star soul to the Xiang of the month very understand.
The king and his ministers returns to a star to fall inside the palace, mutual from lately saw a gift behind fall to sit.The prime minister star soul asks a way first:"The month Xiang adult time comes a star to fall city now, don't know and deliver what kind news?"The packing of typical model is careless, diplomatic means.
The month Xiang saw star soul one eye, then spoke slowly a way:"Month Xiang originally for reflect the minister of month, but the lord has already yielded a blue bird dynasty, the month Xiang only has for the saint king's minister and receives saint love and esteem king especially now and sends me to come to go abroad as ambassador a star to fall city and delivers the saint king's ultimatum, on the third inside have to surrender, the otherwise blue bird soldier won't accept again to surrender, result complacent!"
The star soul profoundly absorbed tone, then the look in the eyes is one Ning, he looks at the Xiang tone in month slow-moving but cordially say:"Month Xiang adult, the star falls the situation of city at present, you also realize, so many people's life and deaths all in the saint king's all arise from one wrong idea, not only such, west star one vein can keep intact also at any moment, so I honestly plead adult and tell the truth, so that we make reference to, for the gratitude of adult, the west star king and his ministers will definitely have an and report!"
The person who by this time sits in the big palace has star Yu, star Zhi, star Hui, star sky, star soul, clear the North Sea, month prosperous and some big minister, all persons who can decide the west star destiny are here, they Be hot to slice the Xiangs that the ground looking at a month, hear each words of month Xiang, take into analytical, is public and the lives of family members, common people but diligent.
Month the Xiang air is immediately solemn,Beats Solo HD, he carefully says:"Is each to trust, the month Xiang knows all speech, speech all exert, exert I can provide a help for everyone, please say!"
The star soul represents public deep Shi Yi Li, then asks a way:"Does the month fall city to why surrender?"
"This …blue bird soldier the southern noodles soldier and western noodles soldier surrounded a month to fall city, the thunder space commander-in-chief prepared fire Fen to fall for month the city revenges to avenge for king of saint, the bright moon princess contends by dead, afterwards the little lord dream thunder comes a month to fall city front, the commander-in-chief of Wei Ge accepts order to handle a related affair, little the lord be given the power that the with full powers processing month falls city, after the bright moon princess' effort, reflect month one clan finally decide to raise a clan to surrender!"
The star soul deeply absorbed tone, then said:"There is princess that go back and forth with the little lord, reflect the month finally don't need to encounter depopulation, but I hear the saint emperor's month shadow commits suicide to die, can be true?"
The month Xiang positive color says:"Have the bright moon the princess to have no anyone to dare to kill my month of lord to copy a saint emperor, unless let bright moon the princess die, I clearly tell your saint emperor's dead to is to be completely decided by himself by him, he would not like to live without meaning human life, toward the forbears report go to!"
The star soul nods a way:"Like, thank, the month Xiang adult pleases ask the saint the king how handle declining of month minister and nobility of reflecting?"
The month Xiang is tiny tiny a say with smile:"The saint liberality of breadth of view king, kind and justice broadcasting the whole world, the world is known for and reflect this time month's declining minister don't be subjected to the slightest of difficult, all no postmortems,Artist Series, hereafter will find shelter China, enjoy peace peaceful times, Anne degree old age, for amass a fortune world but offer personal dint!"
"All move into Central plains?"The month prosperous eye wave flows to turn, the low voice asks a way.
"Yes, Wang Ye, probably this is the last time I called you as Wang Ye, hereafter all nobilities will move into Central plains settle down, I individual want compare in the month fall city much better, once having a slight commotion also be unlikely is embroiled, only oneself's words and actions is consistent, necessarily can protect peaceful from cradle to the grave."
The month is prosperous to deeply absorb tone, spoke slowly a way:"Snow seamless good hand segment, good generosity of spirit,cheap dr dre beats, the boon Wei combines and puts all of the persons underneath at the eyelid, want ~only words and actions respectfullly agreeable, protect you peaceful whole life, otherwise, even skeleton all depletion, throw to spread foreign land."
The star soul sighed tone, then said:"The saint king is regarded as good of, didn't spare no one to the past enemy at least, we still had what entertain wild hope, can keep intact life Be getting more quite good, as for later affair, I don't say that everyone also knows, want to die still not easy, having plenty of a way, but pleasing don't embroil other people, the ground made everyone each to find shelter, make the old man kid still have a front-line hope at least."
Is public and silent to have no language, the star Yu eye contains hot tears, sorrow not already.
"Country lord, from snow seamless conquest East China Sea don't spare no one, alliance six greatest noble families in East China Sea live together peacefully, north pretty the person become its saint war vanguard more, at present, reflect the month sincerely return fluently and have bright moon the princess at believe to can't appear to rush through to kill, either of affair, didn't°yet ast least so far, so surrender is our only exit, otherwise, the star falls city to change into Ji powder and had dead don't living, backed an one step to speak even if the everyone break out of star falls city, but in the mainland already have no our have a foothold of ground, the blue bird soldier makes track for a long distance to kill, until we death!"The star soul sighed tone, then immediately after said:"I am getting older, the life and death originally doesn't put in the mind, but the country lord is still young, please don't play the ass, otherwise, western star one vein will from now on disappear, so you became historic convict, I believe snow is seamless to can't maltreat us, either, life still have a guarantee, after, everyone caution be, ah!"
"Prime minister, star Yu I am sorry everyone, sorry common people, more I am sorry forbears, west star thousand year the property consequently disappear, I still have the facial expression sees dying of first person!"The star Yu is tears cover the face Related articles:

