
cheap beats ten thousand Yangs

Sit to ride affirmative will be shot into a hedgehog under the city wall!

The Feng smoke rises the Xiao wall chapter 410 bloody battle east city gate
Renew time:2010-9-159:48:51 chapter word numbers:3205

Drink!" Listen to Li Yuan and a roars, but is direct from jumped on the horseback, but was to leap in out of the sky, the Zhang in the hand eight long gun still don't forget to offend those to poke aside to own arrows Shi.
In the sky on turning over before, Li Yuan with directly fall fore the noodles is an after the shoulder of Qin Jun's officers and men up, toe 1:00, but is a Teng to again get empty but rise, this time Li Yuan with but is jump more far, directly be leaped in a scaling ladder.Right away, Li Yuan and would be a skill to hold a gun, keep poking aside megalith and circle wood that throws down on the head from the city, another hand hands scaling ladder, beginning by leap and bound toward city head up kill up.That's right!Li Yuan and be want with the personal dint, take battalion to offend to break this city wall!
But just Li Yuan and of twice jumped up, not only drew on the attack of Yan soldier, aroused a bushy beard war more will of attention.The original bushy beard war will think just a martial man that recklessly excites, even if is hurtled a city head by him, will never be a city head as well on several thousand Yan country soldiers of opponent.But when he sees Li Yuan and at face the attack of city head, can also have no stagnation ground upwards blunt, eyelid son immediately be jump, the bushy beard war will realize right away, the other party will never be a war of commonness will, thus good artistic skill,cheap beats by dre, the bushy beard war will be almost lifetime have never seen.If was hurtled by the person like this to come up, that can Be getting more dangerous!
Right away the bushy beard war will immediately is a rightness of or so food for powders to drink a way:"Attackstone!Attackstone toward that person!Absolutely can not make him blunt to come up!"
Had a bushy beard war will of will make, those Yan country soldier's attacks concentrated more, this next even if being Li Yuan and skill is again strong, also had some to can not stand, right away would was two feet one Pie, on the scaling ladder, the card's hands brandish Zhang eight long gun, stop to carry on defense over there.
However, although Li Yuan and be died the hopeless situation held up,other empress Qin Jun's officers and mens of those scaling ladders were easy down, in succession toward the city hair moved an attack like forty.Effort not and in a short while, have empress Qin Jun's officers and men of 34 scaling ladders to hurtle last city head, and the Yan non-commissioned officer soldier on the city head launched hand to hand fight.
This bottom but will give to get a fright the bushy beard war, flurried lift own painting Ji to left for to help soldier will those empress Qin Jun officers and men to keep on rushing through.Although the bushy beard fights will of the artistic skill want compare those empress officers and men Gao Chu of Qin Jun many, he after all only a person, along with hurtle the empress Qin Jun's officers and men of city head more and more, bushy beard war will is already very busy to come, can issue order to let a Yan soldier food for powder respectively is war.
"Kill!" When the bushy beard fights the empress Qin Jun's officers and men that will with concentration kill those to hurtle a city head to the shot, a suddenly and violently drink to ring out just like the deep-fried thunder sort.The figure that sees a black takes a silver light, but is to jump in the city head, the moment is to take to have one fresh and red and blood-red color, after being exactly a that being just issued order by him to inhibit Qin Jun war will!
Originally hurtle a city head along with more and more empress Qin Jun's officers and mens, the Yan non-commissioned officer on the city head soldier can not also again to Li Yuan and carried on to inhibit, pressure a small, Li Yuan with certainly is also comply with the surrounding to hurtle last city head.Is a just, Li Yuan and woulded be big hair might of god, drained well some kind of just drive these soldier to inhibit of hatred.Sees Li Yuan and hand in of the Zhang is eight long guns' gun flower in his surroundings Shan innumerables, as long as be touched by these gun flowers of, all neither the exception jet order some blood to fall down dead on the ground.Round at Li Yuan and nearby of Yan non-commissioned officer the soldier Be little to say to also have 100 people, be can not block Li Yuan and of long gun.But lend Li Yuan and of might of god, more and more of empress Qin Jun the officers and men is from Li Yuan and after death of the scaling ladder climbed to come up and helped Li Yuan and dynasty those Yan non-commissioned officer the soldier launch an attack, this finally drive capture dime!
See the circumstance become thus what a mess, that bushy beard war won't from get dark scold a , right away would be to lift a painting Ji dynasty Li Yuan with hurtle pass by.Result in all these of is all at present this young war will, if can will give to force to back this war even in cut to kill, there is probably also front-line hope!
Although bushy beard war will of hope is okay, but reality is ruthlessness, the bushy beard war wills just hurtle to Li Yuan and hasn't waited he to bring up to draw Ji nearby toward Li Yuan and launches an attack.The at present flash across that see a silver light at him, bushy beard war is just in time horizontal the painting Ji in the chest, listen to"Dang" of a , huge strength spread to come over from the painting Ji in the hand, simply fighting the bushy beard would give to push connect backed a several.
Li Yuan and Zhang eight grow the gun look on coldly to hope the war that is very not easy to stop the bushy beard of step toward that toward after death pouring to lift will.As for he surroundings of those Yan non-commissioned officer soldier, only have and after death hurtle to come up at him of empress Qin Jun the officers and men cope with.Li Yuan and cold hum a way:"Think that necessarily you are that Yan country great commander ten thousand Yangs?"Li Yuan and make to like this predict of course not is ridiculous, according to becoming a tiger of intelligence report, there is the war of skill in the Yan soldier will only 3 people, that originally the cutthroat Be from, the nature can't be used to draw Ji this kind of to greatly open to greatly match of weapon.And according to in times before city head up of of"ten thousand" word ensigns and strength for backstroke for soldier for Yan for head for city also aren't likely to be a week east that a plain soldier can attain.
Ten thousand Yangs listen to Li Yuan and of ask words, not from get one Leng, however return to absolute being right away, stretch hand to wipe off the corner of mouth is shaken out of a blood stain, Ao however drink a way:"Is quite good!I What a ten thousand Yangs!General such artistic skill, want to necessarily be not an unknown generation either, can wish to tell name, let at least ten thousand some need not do that careless ghost and connect a quilt who kill all not to know!"The matter has already gone to this, ten thousand Yangs ever don't know that oneself has already been not likely to turn round a lost game again, only so-so calm face to die, pour is also let Li Yuan and heart living to respect and admire.
On Li Yuan and face of cold and damp just a little alleviate, nod to say:"I is empress Qin Guo war Li Yuan and!Is also the commander-in-chief that this time west advertises for a soldier!"
"Li Yuan and?"Ten thousand Yangs just recited 1 time, would was to peep out a silk to miserably smile right away and said:"Is these several years the information magpies rises of Li Yuan and general!Ten thousand some can hurt in general Lee's under charge, hurt not hatred!However even if now ten thousand some is already severely defeated, but want ten thousand some now be seized without putting up a fight, is could not do!Come!Let ten thousand some accept legendary general Lee of Zhang eight marksmanships!"Say, ten thousand Yangs would are to again start to flick painting Ji and made to fight posture.
Li Yuan and at the moment but is to have heart to accept surrender ten thousand Yangs, shook to shake head to say:"Ten thousand generals!Your physical strength has been not enough, and just hard eat me one gun, wanted to come to also be subjected to not light internal injury, you were far from my opponent at the moment!And our army officers and men now also all hurtle last city head, those subordinates of yours aren't likely to help last favour!You still surrender!If remaining the wealth can not weigh to use general, would have this end, if the general can be my lord effect, can't certainly bury the artistic talent of general!"
Ten thousand Yangs but is sad on smiling, say:"Need not say more!Ten thousand some although these in the last yearses are several times easily main, is also against will but is it,cheap dr dre beats!At present his majesty although the suggestion that Be not willing to listen to me, would have this to hurt,was also luckily in those early years the his majesty take in, ten thousand some just can the Gou live up to now a day!Want ten thousand some lord of carrying on the backs, that is impossible,cheap beats!General Lee!Recruits!"
From the words of ten thousand Yangs, Li Yuan and can already listen to the decision of ten thousand Yangs, oneself was the heart ambition that isn't likely to falter the other party, right away Li Yuan and also no longer talk more, continue to persuade also just many fee arguments.Sees Li Yuan and brings up Zhang eight long guns, the legs are made an effort one Deng and would been to hurtle to come over toward ten thousand Yangs.
Just ten thousand Yangs be just drive Li Yuan and with once the hand shot to back, can not be regarded as front side to connect to recruit, so still could not realize Li Yuan and grow the power of gun.And at the moment, Li Yuan and proceed from the high regard to ten thousand Yangs, is also take the offensive with all strength, looking at Li Yuan and toward oneself to stab the long gun of , in ten thousand Yang hearts the first reaction be:Is quick!Really is too quick!
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