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Body of this suffered felling, Zhang Yao enjoyed for the second time.The first time is to don't know that the reason why gets into that kind of into the evil status, be plotted secretly against by the moxa dew this time for the second time.No matter is which times all outran the control of Zhang Yao's oneself, this let the discomfort of Zhang Yao heart abnormality, indecisive.
"This shameless woman made me to this not to know to want to do what!I must hurriedly think a way to just become!"The piece shows off from recognize him and the of moxa dew have no friendship, if stubbornly say to have, can only can also what to exist is displeased contact.But he fell in the hand of the other party now, if not and hurriedly thinking a way to escape from this the nerveless and embarrassed situation is in the whole body, waited until to come back from moxa dew, discovered that he has been awake, that end may be a disaster very much.
With bate breath concentrate, Zhang Yao tries into the status of self-discipline.Feel the true spirit cares to know of control the bottom don't live of revolve in the pubic region, Zhang Yao this just loosenned tone.
Zhang Yao just really fears to connect before trying true spirit all beyond control, if really is that so words that can really be finishing having fun this time.
"Luckily the sky has no unique person's road!"Inwardly rejoiced in Zhang Yao Xin an after, have a week sky for the rapid porterage.Zhang Yao analytical can result in he now this pair whole body have no dint shape of, nothing but is poison or sorcery.The moxa dew is a robber labor union to be from, although may get in touch with sorcery,absolutely can't master in.And the previous moxa dew throws to two bottles of of his medicines just before walking, so there is affirmation of one greater half in Zhang Yao Xin, he the whole body have no dint now is won a certain not well-known poison.
If is a sorcery, Zhang Yao is probably also some to have no from start, but if the words of poison, Zhang Yao is nine Yous to his self-discipline confidence definitely is hundred percent.Although that cloth that jots down nine Yous definitely ascends have never mentioned to exclusively force a poisonous method door, the between the lines expressed to the poison a kind of attitude that disdains to a to attend to.Obviously because nine Yous definitely contain very strong anti- sex to poison these things, the person who otherwise write down nine Yous definitely absolutely isn't likely to be this attitude that disregards poison.So, Zhang Yao decides first the achievement goes a sky to try for 12 weeks and see nine Yous definitely can body inside the difficult to express toxin forces to go out.If can go nature is satisfaction of everybody concerned, the nothing doing words also only wasted for a little times just.Is total to compare to lie here what don't do as well of strong.
True current of air pubic region, along the term of the small week sky Du two veins continuously flow to turn.In addition to 100 meeting caves broken through, all of other cave Qiaos are time in sky that is without obstruction to can be led by true current of air, consumedly reduce true current of air to turn a week.If circulated for a hour that needed half week sky before, so Zhang Yao circulates for a week sky and only goes for five minutes now.So 12 weeks that originally need a nightwork man then can complete sky, takes an hour and then goes just now.
After porterages in 12 week skies complete, the piece showed off to turn over on opening eyes a body to sit, although body up still keep feeling one silky hair soft,compare it in times before even move to can not move, either but is was good friends with not to know numerous times.And more important BE, just he circulates week weather and felt 100 meeting a silk of the cave loose move.
Although just a little of loose move,also let Zhang Yao delight not already.
"See to nine Yous definitely really very strong to anti- sex of the poison, and 100 meeting caves also appeared one silk loose move, see to don't far leave the day that I break through a big week sky, should want to close the border wholeheartedly self-discipline a period of time!However before this, hum, moxa dew ……"
Zhang Yao at the moment in the mind to although the exasperation that the moxa exposes can not say to is volcano eruption, is also a fire to emit three Zhangs.Not only give him the dosage, but also shell the material of his whole body light.The blue gloves of that ragged whiteboard skin AN and not essential also even if, but the Xue, frogman bayonet of unreal image cape, sea demon, connect shot arm Nu, quite guard, the improbity belt can all can not get more material.If leave these materials, piece the real strenght for showing off invisibly has to weaken two 30% of arrivings,Beats by Dre Just Beats.So, be hated by the dosage, there is also the enemy to shell a material, let Zhang Yao make a firm decision this time to want to thoroughly tidy up a moxa dew.
Certainly, the moxa dew back has the robber labor union the on the side, Zhang Yao was impossible and then killed so her.But leave a profoundly unforgettable precept for her but can not help.
At the thought of material, Zhang Yao suddenly thought of his jackal and wolf it quit still at.The jackal and wolf quits is with Zhang Yao's soul bind settle of the ring be subjected to protection of Luo's many rules in the Si world.In addition to Zhang Yao, anyones can not discover jackal and wolf, it the existence for quiting.
Thought of jackal and wolf, it quits, Zhang Yao hurriedly from in take out a whole body back up the clothes put on, though is the common clothes with no attribute, how also more naked strong than red body be not.
While taking a clothes again Zhang Yao suddenly noticed again jackal and wolf it quit of space inside many of a the Xiu sword and a book of blood-red color cover and scatter by the side of these two kind things of some boxes.
"This is just got of blade and blood of Er Tai very the technical ability book of Dou spirit.Yi?Surroundings these boxes BE?, To!Took out to come in virtuous secret room from the Du!"Zhang Yao at ordinary times how don't clean up jackal and wolf, it quits of internal space, so jackal and wolf it quit of is very in great disorder in internal space.If be not this time coincidentally income of blade and blood of Er Tai very the Dou annoy in the surroundings of these boxes and afraid of Zhang Yao Be about to forget this time a matter.
Though noticed these boxes, but Zhang Yao didn't become nervous the thing of seeing the inside, on the contrary is first blade and blood of Er Tai very the technical ability book of Dou spirit took out.After all, to the person who pursues real strenght of Zhang Yao, the material of a day class strong and Wu Ji absolutely compares the article of collecting of a baron to have attraction of many,Artist Series.
When Zhang Yao pickeds up the blade of Er Tai see material grade and attribute that the clear top notes after, not from gape:"Is purple to pack!Unexpectedly is a legend material!This attribute abnormal condition!What an abnormal condition!"
(PS the reactions of the chapter brotherses yesterday all said very vigorously ……decadent earnest self-criticism ……hereafter can't make a same mistake again as far as possible ……)

First chapter 145 is fabulous of material
When Zhang Yao pickeds up the blade of Er Tai see material grade and attribute that the clear top notes after, not from gape:"Is purple to pack!Unexpectedly is a legend material!This attribute abnormal condition!What an abnormal condition!"
Want oneself just get the blade of Er Tai that kind of inattentive mindset, the piece showed off not from a burst of rejoice, luckily cautiously looked into its attribute,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, otherwise was about to let the treasure thing receive a dust.
" The blade of Er Tai:Is first-class purple to equip, hurt 200-300.Special effect:The increment makes moves speed 100%, there are 30% several rates resulting in to wear a sting.(Wear a sting:Take no cognizance the other party material defense, directly result in injury.)Additional technical ability:Poison eclipse, wild, deadly blow.Describe:Legendary person when absolute being was evil to fight clan hero assassin the machine that Er Tai launches troops.On the battlefield, the Er Tai once used this weapon to assassinate an evil clan for many times to get and acquire a life time eminent contribution not.Is post-war, this weapon and the Er Tai disappear together.Need:Strength 50, nimble 50, physical endowment 50, go in secret Shu 3 classes.The soul binds to settle, can not exchange."
"Poison eclipse:Because the Er Tai once assassinated many evil clans with this weapon to get, tainting with the evil clan will get the weapon of blood essence and from now on take deadly poison.The toxin hurts 100:00/second, in addition to deluxe bright sorcery or deluxe antidote, can not relieve.Have no partition for time."
"Is wild:Because the Er Tai once assassinated many evil clans with this weapon to get, vanishing the evil clan will get the weapon of soul essence, took to have time immemorial the wild breathing of the race and gave the holder wild characteristic.Start wild empress all attributes increase 50%, each decrease life 100:00.The life is low at 100:00, the wild auto disappears, and using juniors the weak status is into an hour.Technical ability partition 3 times/sky."
"Deadly blow:The Er Tai oneself soul the branding give the technical ability of weapon.Consume 500 Dou spirit(is true to annoy)s to break out 2-600% injuries.Technical ability partition 2 times/sky."
Zhang Yao finishes seeing after the attribute of the blade of Er Tai introduce, the reaction of subconscious be choke for a while, oneself after feeling the ache just affirm him this to be not dreaming Related articles:

