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Stay to guard a base at the Boer card, ten other leaderships are long then halt to stay is guiding a station."
The situation is very obvious, Zhao De has already fought for seven household troopses of knot boundary cities, while another 10 don't not want an attitude clearly, isn't to become a new group, is also peeping household the center to lead this position.
The person of room is silent to come down, everyone all probably and clearly in the future these several days, the destiny of household will take place to turn over the variety that the sky replies ground.A few leaderships are long to inwardly conjecture Zhao Heng, obviously they at examine this drive Zhao Shi the great strength recommend of person.Just occurrence at outside of one act, they also see in the eye,cheap beats by dre.Still calculating to Zhao Heng's performance is satisfied, only they are still suspicious, this future everyone long is also too young, can lead them to come out this perilous time?
"Have already transported till now how many persons to come over?"Zhao Heng asks a way.
"Nearly three quarter."Flank one the expert clan military officer answer way:"If isn't Zhao De Zu Rao, have already transfered all clansmens of the Boer card city base to here now."
When Zhao De received the notice of this decision, immediately brush-off performance, and still order in addition to his criticize especially, anyone can not adjust to use base vehicle and airship material.The owner leaves a base, have to detain weapon.
Zhao Shi wants to negotiate with him, he could not close door and all disappear.
Zhao Zheng finally contuses the guard of a few Boer card household bases in anger, because of past in the middle of her reputation sky, at this time again is just from the Earth last time come of hero person, other talented persons don't dare to obstruct, this just makes them adjust to gather vehicle, and acquire one part of weapons.
For keeping Zhao De from interfering again, Zhao Zheng and red scorpion are arranged at there direct, at the same time in order not to the conflict will again arouse dead and injured, Zhao Heng stays for thousand months also in the base.After all her the soul attack method can not harm and arrive body, no matter how it is, those people are also a members of households.
"You choose real strenght strong armed escort and is responsible for the warnning task of outside line in the hotel, must the small(, the cellular phone stands w-a-p.1<6> kss.c-o_m) heart is careful.We can not the ability is here drive descend black hand."Zhao Heng towards a Zhao Yan order way:"The supervision system of this hotel is very complete, wait a meeting, you seek a river north the city receive it to come over."
He just finished saying, Zhao Zheng took to walk to come in for red scorpion and thousand months.3 people's facial expression is each not same.
Zhao Zheng is one face wrath, the red scorpion then contemplates facial expression, but are easily excrescent for thousand months.
See Zhao Heng, thousand months immediately openings way:"The oh, elder brother Heng, can chase me dead tired."
Zhao Zheng hears the tone that she talks,Beats by Dre BMW, cold humed 1.
The red scorpion hurtles Zhao Heng Wei tiny on smiling, don't talk.
"Boer card guard the brigade blockader closed downtown Ci channel, some of our car brigades were obstructed, and the surplus personnel has to return to a base."The way of Zhao Zheng matchless exasperation thinks that necessarily she is again subjected to many incitements in the negotiation.They have never imagined before being like this circumstance of, very small guard's brigade dare openly call plank with Zhao Shi's household.
"Still have is Zhao Dong, from hard, however etc. totally 10 people be taken by the person of federal evil monster intelligence bureau, they hold the official letter of SFJ organization."Zhao Zheng again way.
All of this several people are households in recent years the reputation magpies rises of elite, all withdraw from Long Cheng of Wei together, only individual the Human body suffer from slight wound, be arranged to maintain with Zhao Zheng together there of conveyance order, take at the moment they, obviously for eliminating weak Zhao Shi this square of real strenght.However their procedures are complete, it happened that make Zhao Zheng can not find to resist of reason.
Zhao Heng heart wry smile for a while, seeing to the circumstance of opponent to oneself this place is clear.They obviously saw clear they don't want to arouse too strong conflict currently, so reckless detention Wei Long Cheng's personnel, encroach upon their strength.Till the last will directly take the most intimate person for oneself to start.That time can be getting more passive for the everywhere.
Not ability if this continues.Zhao Heng tidied up way of thinking, the openings was to Zhao Shi Dao:"You delivers a letter for three other households and the federal household business center in the name of household big parent, contents in order to change because of household mishap and personnel, dissolved Zhao Shi's household to halt to stay a capital to do obeisance at first now Er SFJ representative of job, change to send Zhao Zheng and burning is new appointee SEJ household representative.From hair the letter rise, such as the SFJ official letter have no new appointee household to represent to approve a signing, then be seen as the invalid official document, refuse not carry out."
After Zhao Shi order under charge sticks down, the title asks a way:"The big parent's name BE?"
"Zhao Heng!"Zhao Heng in a soft voice reports an oneself's name.
Hear this words, all of Zhao Zheng, Zhao Yan et al is one Leng, their having never thoughting Zhao Heng to speak up they is that new household everyones are longs.Zhao Shi hasn't been once revealing with them as well, he believed these people to are to don't need he to communicate a persuasion in advance, because they absolutely can't oppose this decision and result.
"Eldest brother, you ……too good.I support you."Immediately feel heartfelt after Zhao Yan Leng is over happily, Zhao Heng can become now household the only everyone long is also what he expects.He believes that the eldest brother contains this real strenght and ability.
", Elder brother Heng was an officer."Clap a palm to say with smile for thousand months.
"Can only cherish this officer isn't so do of, are Zhao De and other leadership long to know?"Zhao Zheng immediately and clearly knows situation after joy of rigorous.
The red scorpion after worrying a short moment immediately and firmly looking at Zhao Heng, she knows that the anterior road will be more frustrated, but no matter how it is, her decision accompanies Zhao Heng to stand down forever.
Zhao Shi hears Zhao Heng is suddenly public here with after private what he reached decide, the heart doesn't already is also a concussion.He knows that Zhao Heng was to make a firm decision.He turns a head to looking at nearby more than ten leaderships long, hang to inquire their attitudes:"Does the everybody see the accommodation of this official letter draw-up?"
"Is quite good, early should such.Niang of, our beginning because talk to take care of of too many too disorderly, the person don't lead the way, let them drill many empty sons."The leadership of the city of Wei Si the mountain of long immediately way, his words are very explicit, the decision that supports Zhao Shi, agree that Zhao Heng serves as everyone to grow.
Other a few leadership outlooking nod to agree with towards after seeing several eyes, immediately also in succession with each other.
"You immediately release to go out."Zhao Shi breath a sigh of relief, although he ever many times with these led long communication secretly talk to lead and once got their approbations as well,after all was to formally and publicly declare this time, a see no one hesitant query, he immediately turned an order nearby of military officer way:"At the big parent's behind at the same time office up here lead long name."Chase everyone draw down water, trust more.
"Moreover this news immediately the announcement go out, they don't know, make them know now."
Looking at Zhao Shi with excited look, Zhao Heng has a little helpless, how feel he than he be last everyone long still have to be stimulated.While knowing to declare at this time that this decision isn't the best, Zhao Heng but really can not take away, either.Otherwise and only with SFJ enough they were subjected to.
At this time, in a hurry hurtle to come in a guard from the outside, he the way of air grief and indignation:"Report a superior, we encounter raid in the small cent brigade of peaceful hospital guard, the death and harm is 8 people.Garrison at the small cent brigade of ninth street also fall among a sneak attack,Beats by Dre Electroplating, the death and harm is 10 people, discover that the remarkable talent energy that they are subjected to attack of the remarkable talent, remain in the body suggests, is more similar than the Si section Er household according to us to the check of body."
Again from outside rush to come in a guard:"Report, we have a transport troops the car is in the downtown of Ci channel up suddenly lose control a crash, on the car totally 28 personnels, only had four survivals to, as they say, seemed to suffer a soul attack ……"
Is public the subconscious see in succession toward thousand months, thousand months are also a foolish, although she is misty of realize an absolute being interest that the household may also participate in to in this activity that aims at Zhao Jia,really hear own household beginning begin news to Zhao Jia, she also a little bit connects and cans not stands.Is much less now Related articles:

