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A die .relationresult Toot toot toot -- -- -- the walls also sounded the clarion call for .Mazar knives heavy armor soldiers heard the bugle call, immediately remove for both sides ,branches out into a wide amount to twenty step gap ,let the cavalry out ,relationresultBi I take the lead ,holding the axe ,beats by dre uk,and shouted : the success or failure of battle would see me .
To kill . , relationresult To kill . He was followed by the Liu Fuwu and song are a cavalry also shouted in unison ,dashed out together ,they meet for the first time the iron pagoda .
relationresultBi two legs clamp horse ,block under the dark horse gave a loud growl, rapid but also accelerate the speed ,the hands of the Tomahawk towards the front of the gunning futu iron soldier .
Call ,the axe rolled up one dark storm ,with a sharp and strong strength , CA sound ,the futu iron from horse soldiers shot .relationresultDark horse to gallop forward ,Bi waving the axe ,in gold hacking left and right ,Tomahawk each blow will get a response .
, wonderful unlimited http://Www.HOTSK.Com/ , relationresultChengdu3 nights .relationresultChengdu3 nights .relationresultXiang songrelationresultDark horse to gallop forward ,Bi waving the axe ,in gold hacking left and right ,Tomahawk each blow will get a response .
I was born to generals from home ,born divine astonishing courage ,on in the song .After Yang Yan, plus the most battle-hardened sharpen more courage ,can not be stopped, even the mighty iron pagodas, and nobody can stop his blow ,even hit armor covering parts ,will also be hit Armor Division ,rib bones removed .
relationresultLiu Fujun close behind him ,although his gallant style not bi once again, but was subtle ,but they have been, or spines or choose ,or pull or sweep ,the Jin army was constantly he shot down in ma .
Pike to ,often from unexpected angles a ,let a person impossible to guard against .Despite their self-defense ,stabbed in the horse may not be killed ,but in this ten thousand steeds gallop.
Environment, was shot down a horse under the warrior ,is the only end up being trampled by the horses back end .relationresultThere are two of them to take the lead, followed by Song Jun cavalry also rush forward ,into the Golden Army cavalry array ,the most elite troops ,then finally fully in a pitched battle .
relationresultGold Juntie pagoda has five thousand people, is arranged transversely ,troops spread out in the round ,sweep and yang .Song Jun and the club a cavalry of only one thousand people, but the longitudinal impact ,using a chisel in tactics ,then look at Jin Jun Song Jun Red Cross Mazha knives ,or Song Jun to cut through the Jin army array ,the golden army attacked from behind .
relationresultThen the futu iron also by rushed to Mazar knife before ,the first row of knights out sharp rifles ,in the last rays of sunset ,proceed without hesitation to forest as oblique cite Mazar knife .
relationresultSomeone hit blade bayonet ,in thick heavy armor ,Song Jun was shot down in front ,but Song Jun immediately back up on horseback ,and gold army was Fanzhen force dismount ,and soon the second row of the Jin army did not hesitate to move on .
The horse down in front of Song Jun ,will be behind the Song Jun cut off the legs of the horse ,a sad Mingsi a fall ,but with a new Knight continued to attack .relationresult Dong - Dong - Dong - Dong - Dong on the wall of two hundred cowhide drum was impressively like ring ,an exclamation of surprise vector automatically voice ,as if even the earth trembled ,as more intense battle , relationresultBattle earth roared ,war-horses neighed ,weapons from the strong hand hammer .
In the sting ,slash ,blade break broken ,broken lance ,a gastric rupture ,wailing scream ,blood red earth ,soaked into the soil .The Jin army struggled forward to kill ,to resistance forces .
Soldiers of both sides have no retreat, very brave .Every hour on the battlefield can produce death ,the heat and the intense degree and not with the upcoming sun reduced ,while in the sharp increase .
relationresultA fierce battle at city upstairs watching Liu Gong pale ,trembling legs only ,but with the hands holding crenel ,according to Qi didn .With several from people who are tempted to Qiao Qiao vomiting .
relationresultBut then Song Jun after all to the exhausted army ,although with the breath to the Jin army the first wave of the attack ,but also accompanied the second wave ,the third wave ,futu iron continuous pounding Song Jun array .
Despite the song Mazar knives have great depth ,but was futu iron is a layer is broken .Song Jun array continuously forced to back, towards the city wall extrusion .Although the song was the array after the breakthrough ,also constantly to the back row ,to distribution,cheap beats by dre, but also to the obvious some do .
relationresultAnd to the Golden Army array of Bi I know now a key lies in that a party to penetrate the array ,wheel opening axe ,left cut right to kill ,the blood from both sides of Bi splash ,don someone from the war to be broken ,I killed many Jinbing ,suddenly I Bi a bright eyes ,can not see the black armored cavalry .
Bi spirits ,finally through the Golden Army in array .Looking back on it ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,Liu Fuwu and other Song Jun cavalry also everfount from notch out, Golden Army futu iron cut in two .relationresultProper Bi met just breathed a sigh of relief ,saw the front flags fluttering ,numerous Golden Army Infantry followed by death .
relationresultHealso sees the original cast ,because Song Jun is used across all force tactics ,which at one point ,the assault force strong, the Iron Pagoda was about to be cut through Song Jun ,so immediately ordered ,and send ten thousand infantry ,trailing futu iron ,to intercept Song Jun assault .
relationresultBi I also be startled at ,if the cavalry now turn ,make a surprise attack from futu iron behind ,it is your behind bought Golden Army ,while continuing to attack ,and cut through the infantry and then make a surprise attack ,so I should spend time to process wearing infantry ,and perhaps this period of time ,the Iron Pagoda it crushes Song Jun Mazar of knives ,and the Jin army far outnumber Song Jun ,even breaking the infantry ,the Jin army can also continue to send troops, until Song Jun was completely worn as far .
What do we do now ?relationresultBut in the song are a cavalry breakthrough in the futu iron array when the song ,the Mazar of knives also could not withstand the strong impact of iron tower ,tight array finally appeared loose ,although not defeat across the board ,but during the three hundred step of the array ,also been futu iron made seven or eight a gap .
relationresultIf it is in the normal on the battlefield, then the futu iron can immediately from the song turned back from the surface behind the killing ,completely washed across the array systems .
But now the song is back city array ,the array to the army retreated to the command station nearby ,from the walls but only a dozen paces .Because the prior Bi orders, as long as the song Bing back over the podium ,the city Archer a rate can be shot ,no mercy .
The song also life persist ,never step back .relationresultBut the futu iron does not know this ,but broke through the array systems ,horses with inertia ,often have to move out of ten paces from the good ,to take up .
While out of the array after the song ,greeted them however city wall with a shower of arrows .relationresultBoth melee up, because of fear of injury of his own people, so Archer archery are very cautious, not easily arrows .
But see Jinbing rush song array ,came to the wall of the city ,where there is also polite ,but the song crossbowman and look down from a height ,and not afraid of accidentally injure themselves ,so the arrows in succession to the Jin army called upon .
relationresultBecause the distance is too close ,and the song mostly uses the bow arm of God ,even the futu iron armored to shelter ,break through the song array Jinbing is often not understood from the excitement of ,with the arrow .
Presently ,there are three hundred or four hundred breakthrough song array futu iron fell in the walls .relationresultThen he cast oneself in the array saw all this ,also could not help secretly heartache ,thought can use futu iron to impact forces ,can win the final victory . Related articles:

