
http://www.beatsbydr4us.com ted to do important

Come over from Qian Feng of yesterday morning, he didn't take a rest for a days.Have been being busy in raising money for me, didn't come back till now.Can you?You went to the building of Yan Cui again last night!The early morning ground comes over, again knows the blind Hao is over there, let your help drag along, you don't dare!Hum, ifing not that seeing you is my son, with the matter sons that you once did before, did you think that you can also stand to jump feet with Lao Tze here?"Dong Jun roars a way.
"Go a line, this kind of words you spoke ……you don't forget, his Dong Ji Nan is again severe, also Be just a drama son to living a ground of mean kind of?I am Dong Jia Di's direct line."Dong Si Bo's specialty points at Dong Jun and repeatedly calls a way.
"You, you roll for me!"
A teapot was grasped by Dong Jun to throw to go out, didn't touch Dong Si Bo, hit on frame in the door, bumped smash.
"You ……is this it you that rush through mine?Etc. has an accident son, you don't blame me not filial!"Drive Dong Jun of great anger get a fright, Dong Si Bo swallowed a few spittles, but still wasn't willing to pour a shelf, and then continue to call a way over there.
"I kill your bad son!"
Cannot helped but any further, Dong Jun with start to copy by hand a cup on table again failed past, frighten Dong Si Bo don't dare to stop over any further, after staying away, the Sa backs and then runs.And then noodles, Dong Jun remains tightly make track for not to give up.
"This is what is the row, play which?"
Smoked to think Bo Pao Chu the Yan state mansion Ya, but Be at the right moment run into rushing through of Qian Feng, small follow 2 people.See this know that the big childe of mansion flees for life go toward to outside run, small follow to cannot help but asking.
"These aren't what we take care ofs.The forerunner goes!"
Qian Feng also saw Dong Si Bo's one eye, but had no how to care.Know mansion Ya there is in the door don't become useful a ground of big childe, this has been already known when he just arrived Yan state.And yesterday he the just- come time still once saw this Tung big childe and met a matter nervous, sank not to live spirit, hid not to live thing on the face, really is how not.
"Xi Xi, Ye, we need not walked.You see, know the big master of mansions all faced out!"It is small to follow and say with smile.
"Is adult Tung!"Qian Feng also saw follow behind to make track for out naturally of Dong Jun, at that moment and then walk to the other party in front, embrace a boxing to say:"Adult Tung, Qian Mou receives the life of imperial envoy adult Liu, comes to inspect the Yan state mansion database especially and also ask adult to go a convenience!"
"This ……the color of the sky is it's yet early, does adult money take a break first?"Dong Jun's hasing never thought to make track for a dozen of sons from the son will be touched is wearing, Qian Feng particularly still hide to all hide to cannot compare with, forbid not to live a bit embarrassed.However, the affair that inspects a mansion database again together a little?Can drag along is temporarily momentary
, He also has to as far as possible and refrains from rash action just drive Dong Si Bo took to ground fury.Way.
"Ha ha, know mansion big master, we yesterday the son comes to ground time, you say it is getting dark.Today come earlier,beats by dre cheap, you say again the color of the sky is it's yet early ……that you must tell us.Exactly and when is serious time?"It is small to fluently say with smile,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com.
"This ……" Dong Jun Lian ascend a red.Starting to be some isn't good-looking.
"Is fluently small, don't get blah!"Lightly scolding one is small agreeable, Qian Feng and then embrace a boxing way to Dong Jun:"The child is unreasonable, also hope adult to forgive.However, is small to fluently say is also fact, Qian Mou receives order since then and also need to see many places.So, can stay ground time really isn't much at the Yan state.Adult said it is getting dark yesterday, and then wanted to do important business and urgently and urgently went to, Qian Mou then waited for a day, can today.Anyway must also do affair to just become!"
"This ……that has to make Dong Mou take officer to change for a while?"See money Feng so resolute.Dong Jun helpless tone.Say.
"This is the nature!"Qian Feng not the for oneself nod a way very.
"That ask money adult to get to living room to slightly wait.Smoke some go to and come right away!"Dong Jun just made track for a dozen of sons ground the vehemence have been already had no and just had some to out of spirits go toward mansion Ya inside walk.
"Know mansion big master, you can get to hurry son.We time is few!"Is small fluently again at the behind shout a way.
"……" Didn't answer,Beats by Dre BMW, Dong Jun just turned head to see one eye again, but, this eye, the but again lets he ground the look in the eyes suddenly becomes a color to enrich.
Haven't waited money Feng heel small follow understand come over, mansion Ya door outside again walk to a young person, the person hasn't arrived have already first asked toward Dong Jun:"Just I saw eldest brother, dad, he is be not again ask for you angry?"
"Doing not lift that is rascal!How is"Dong Jun comes back from walking again and sees the person who comes in from the outside, he ground spirit obviously like many, "?You ……"
"The dad trusts, I am there all am free!"The full face of young person is exhausted, but the spirit is very robust, hear Tung handsomely ask after the words, smile to answer a way.He is Dong Jun's two son, Dong Ji Nan,s, also "mean kind of" that smokes to think Bo Zui Li.This year just just 20 successful in career, just as the show just be still going into business at the same time, all have connection with Yan state many big stores, is also a well-known ability person in young Yan state one generation son, just because the natural mother is a drama son, next nine run off in the contemporaries mouth body, so, have been being free from Dong Si Bo to need to be seen, the relation of brothers a pair is very nervous.
"Like!This ……"Tung handsomely face up cannot help but peeping out smiling face, and then point at Qian Feng's south in smoking a quarter to say:"You invite adult money first and change clothes for father forerunner and inspect a mansion database after a while and very together."
"BE!"Dong Ji Nan should a , and then sent Dong Jun to enter mansion Ya.
"The Ye sees, the somebody else has already got ready!"Just Dong Jun's performance basically deceived not to live a person, even can be said to be openly defiant act, small followed to also can not consider of Dong Ji Nan at nearby, unbearable said to Qian Feng.
"Have no matter son.Allow him thousand stratagems, I have a certain rules!Should not have of, much not, should have of, also necessary!"Qian Feng smiles to answer a way.
"Ha ha, adult money is this beating riddle?Is the light foolish to calculate what at the door?Want not to make the student accompany you to enter a living room to drink cup tea first?"Dong Ji Nan is said by Qian Feng's this words the in the mind is tiny tiny a surprised, but he the after all young spirit is prosperous, although some ability, lean against the Yin of father generation to cover to have no how after frustrate.Thinking around didn't feel that own arrangement has what wrong leak of place after, then think Qian Feng is assuming air of importance, didn't also care.
"Forget it.Smoke adult to just change a clothes, in a short while should come out.Need not bother!"Qian Feng answers a way.
"That good, the student accompanies the adult to wait here!"Dong Ji Nan is tiny tiny on smiling, say.
《Water Hu spreads 》 has a lot of editions, inside ground the contents is also mostly different.Once there was 《remnants watered Hu 》 , inside 76th times, "robbed company Fu difficult is Pei bore eyes, dedicating skull atmosphere Sung is male clearly.The state mansion robbed a state mansion database, result, got enough whole beam mountain lake in Qian Liang for a year of use.How many persons did the beam mountain have at that time?In fact heel originally golden age also about, 100 list eight will, 100,000 beam mountain soldier!
So many soldiers will use money the food for one year ……is that getting many earth numbers?Probably that is just the exaggerated skill of the novel author usage, but, thus can also see, Yan state at that time rich and populous degree.Although the Manchu dynasty is just population more than Sung generation, culture and don't say bad how much, the business is to far have no it flourishing.But, state because it is superior of geography position, remain is the business that the world is known for a big wharf, the many mansion stock silver is also a no trivial matter.
"Adult money pleases!"
Handsomely lead at Tung under, Qian Feng finally arrived at the ground of the Yan state mansion database place!Really is a very big database building, compare with he once saw in each county in times before of, basically can not mention in the same breath.But at this time, the whole mansion database surroundings three tread one Gang, five tread one Shao, all of everywheres are troops and horseses, watch it may be said very tight.
"Open a database door!"Qian Feng doesn't delay as well and see the appearance that Dong Jun has ready plans to meet a situation, just tiny tiny on smiling, then toward to be responsible for watch a mansion database of always issue order a way.
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