
google n matter of we didn'

After making up exam or disqualified of words, they the meeting be ordered to leave school, next year continue to register to enter school but their parent meeting with corrupt household name of malicious flat they, make it become'Ren'and so forth!!
In their in fronts only written test this high wall can not turn over to jump, for true war they have never once feared, is this take a pen of live to make them fear ……very small pen at they but the speech imitate heavy such as thousand catties of big hammer sorts.They where understand what sorcery theory??This how many months come they in addition to the bubble girl still keeps steeping a girl, if you let they these three feeling saints write the words of love letter they even if being shutting eyes can also write a 'excellent', but on making reference to a sorcery theory, they are fart to also write not to come out ……who call their book so of new?
However they don't appear to me also at last piece good matter~~~~I can't discover that three more flow saliva at least of'hungry dog'in the nearby surrounding of the Qiao son, dedicate affability.But front the door walked three, back door yet again one person, this person is exactly ……gorgeous princess!!
"Hey~~~~Our gorgeous princess comes to Ceng rice again?"I irony way.I am judged and decided by all girls for the best lover of Ma Lai's college after Valentine's Day, I not only flick a gold the soil will be worth of a very valuable bracelet sending to Qiao son, and make romantic means is also super top-grade ……among them'the ice bridge pick up beauty'with'air dance'make people take delight in talking about most .And return be reviewed hundreds of years can succeed in catching the move of beauty's heart most for the sake of the college of Ma Lai.And at ten commander in chief elder brother placard up I also rose to the fifth ……
"Is a Qiao son to invite me come of ……"'s irony toward me she returns the time of thousand time per example way.And still do at the same time a 'you can take I how of'the facial expression make me annoy tooth Yang Yang of.
"……" Qiao son then is wearing a smile in one side to see two of us' quarreling don't make a noise, at quarrel of a kind of difficult to express felling in 2 people is producing variety, but when matter of we didn't realize, only as the on-looker's Qiao son just can feel this kind of delicate variety ……
"Feed~~~~How can you eat the thing of somebody else bowl inside?"Is gorgeous to completely have no the least bit princess' qualities of call way.
"What call your ?Qiao son BE'mine', so she does of the thing is also mine ……"I once connected Qiao son to say all alone.
"Hum~~~~Have no the smelly boy of poise!!"
"Have no qualities ……"
"What do you say?"
"Have no qualities ……"
"Who do you say?"
"Say you ……"
"……" Qiao son side eats a side to interestingly see two artificial a piece of meat keep contending for and be like is seeing a farce!!
"Princess, princess' his highness ……" suddenly a voice interrupted our to contend for noisy,
"Volkswagen especially uncle, how did you come?"It is gorgeous and discovereds bearer exclaiming a way.
"Princess ……" bearer escorts on that day gorgeous come to the middle age man of Ma Lai's college, sees him wrinkly eyebrows desire speech again what rubbish want to say, but again because of we are in the voice but inconvenient say ……
"Volkswagen especially uncle, we arrive that direction to say ……" is gorgeous to understand of starting and getting the Volkswagen left especially.
The Volkswagen went right away especially after arriving at an unmanned small forest kowtows of the gift politely say:"Minister, Volkswagen especially ……pay respects to a princess!!"
"Especially the Volkswagen uncle gets up~~~have no outsider here, again why the need for over-courteous?"It is gorgeous right away Chan to start to hand Volkswagen to say especially.
"Princess ……" Volkswagen especially desire speech again of hard put openings,cnn.
"Volkswagen especially uncle, have words you keep saying ……" clear eye of gorgeous say.
"Princess' his majesty is already that you settle descend husband!!"The Volkswagen says especially.
"~~~~BE??"Is gorgeous to quietly say to be like inattentive, however heart in but is a bitter and astringent difficult speech.Although her destiny she has already been awakening, when it truely arrival she can not calm down of face ……
"Probably ……probably oneself before half year for the news like this accepts more calmly, can today after half year?Oneself why again thus of suffered because of he?That long long silver hair occupies my mind isn't willing to leave of boy?"Confusedly think in the gorgeous heart.
"Princess~~~~"The Volkswagen deplores greatly especially of advise a way.Looking at a quiet facial expression of gorgeous that face to the meekly accept humiliation of the arrangement of destiny, again be like at feel deeply about destiny of helpless ……but how can the all these not let to looking at the Volkswagen that she grows uped since the childhood to didn't already deplore greatly especially again?
"Who is that person ?"It is gorgeous to ask a way.
"I connect the name of my own fiance also'have no business'know?"The equanimity that is so still gorgeous euphonic, just at'have no business'of two words up used accent, that meaning is like saying oneself already'have no business'choose his/her own marriage say even does own husband's name can not know, either?
The Volkswagen is especially difficult because this has already outrun the scope of his right, but he still keeps saying ……"is world Wu ……"
"Hum~~~~The father king chose one for me good husband~~~~~Gorgeous sneer way.
"Really ……world Wu in the hearsay cold blood, cruel, kill people like flies, but his skill in martial arts is high strong, an influence is strong not weaker than nation ……remove his individual but speech, he really is connect Yin of good to be like."The Volkswagen begs for a way especially.
"Probably the affair has no princess to think so what a messly ……" Volkswagen advises a way again especially.
"Can I can also choose?"Saying with smile of gorgeous irony.
"……" Volkswagen has no speech especially with to silent a short while say:"In fact ……in fact the his majesty is to has no alternative to just make this decision~~~~"
"Have no alternative?"The way of gorgeous doubt.
"Is alas~~~~"Volkswagen especially originally is don't mean to say of but again afraid gorgeous did what the silly matter came to to helplessly sigh tone to say:"Reached to one order before the months at a few his majestieses-capture alive to come to visit of Kai Luo empire king!!But the task failed ……appear to save at world Wu of the most decisive time he walks, this is surprised origin not the occurrence, say world Wu and Kai according to the truth Luo empire of princess relieve engagement to marry should should meeting and Kai Luo empire relation strain just to, his majesty just because so just descend this order of, think ……alas~~~~Fail by a small margin.It's alas to unexpectedly incredibly can also make him save person to walk in 100,000 battalions expecting tower diagram generals~~~~Heaven's will~~~~~"Volkswagen especially gorgeous also grew to loosen tone while sighing.After all Betty is her good friend~~~~But her father was lived by own father to grasp of words,google.Does that call how she face her this good friend again?
"The his majesty wants to make the princess marry world Wu mainly for dragging along world Wu not to make him join to go in the war of of two countries …… if support Kai Luo's empire with no world Wu basically has never hads confidence wars to use us, so the war can't break out, have no war the common people can't force to become distitute and homeless, and go to family ruined ……" Volkswagen especially of meaning very explicit, he wants that telling is gorgeous, hers'marriage'BE saving up must the innocent common people are how big righteousnesses!!
The Volkswagen really knows this especially, he looking at the princess whom she grows uped since the childhood, there is no threat peter up'responsibility'can even make her accept defeat ……indeed as expected!!
"I understood ……" was gorgeous to peep out 1 than cry still difficult see smile noodles to say.
"Return to tell the father the king me to finish testing end to return to after testing ……"
"BE ……princess!!"Volkswagen especially polite time way.
"Princess ……because of he?"The Volkswagen asks a way especially.
The taste that the Volkswagen sees especially sees toward my gorgeous face up silently climb last a burst of red glow at sunset light tone way:"H'm~~~~You don't see he look pretty,Facebook, in fact he is a real man, just ……our destining is life's person in two worlds ……"say a face up again appear a kind of facial expression for losing.
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