
google for a while he the

Wear two luggages to keep up with, the title saw one eye towering apartment, doubt of ask way to the soft gold:"Ms. Jin, where is this ?"Qin Shao visits how to see also feel be different from pawnshop here.
The gold is soft don't like saying of spirit:"My house is here,do you want to allow me to trail a luggage goes to pawnshop with you?"
"I have no that meaning."Qin Shao visits stem to smile, the in the mind noodles sighed a , dare feeling he is to give gold soft to be once free porterage work.
The gold is soft to live in the 12 F of apartment, is having elevator so much, Qin Shao visits to let go of a luggage and secretly put on a cold sweat.The elevator door opened, the gold was soft to walk into elevator, Qin Shao visits and quickly pulls a luggage heel go in.
Entered elevator, Qin Shao visited to let go of a luggage.Crumpled to crumple aching arm, saw the gold that an eye play with to begin machine soft.Feel the vision that Qin Shao visits, the gold is soft smile don't smile of see Qin Shao visit one eye, if take no account of other aspect ground factor, this porterage work is still fairly good, the muscle contains muscle.Want to be more to obey have much obedient.
Is very quick, the elevator stopped in the 12 F, the gold was soft to imitate princess Fo to similarly walk fore noodles behind follow to pull a luggage Qin Shao to visit.Arrived oneself ground family, the gold is soft to take out a string of key to insert to lock bore, then inputed a string of password, and then turn for a while key this just guard a gate to open.Qin Shao visits sharp-eyed and have already stuck down password.
"Come in."The gold is soft after coming in.
Come to visit hello way to Qin Shao.
Qin Shao visited to hurriedly pull two all of the luggages to come in and stood on the doorway to conjecture the environment in the house.The house doesn't calculate greatly, according to the estimate that Qin Shao visits.Probably also 120 even rices are or so, spreads on the ground illicit love floor.
Qin Shao's visiting to looking at is changing the gold of shoe soft ask a way:"Ms. Jin, that, I change of where are the shoe ?"
The gold is soft after finishing changing shoe, see one eye Qin Shao visit real estate shoe and wanted to say for a while:"Calculate, you didn't come in, our a short while goes out."
Qin Shao visits:"%#*#@" Sees a different idea of host go in by himself/herself, Qin Shao visits to also have to stand on the doorway.
The gold is soft to pick up Qin Shao to visit the big luggage in the hand to put in the living room.Then come over to canvass a way to Qin Shao:"Like, I take you to go to pawnshop."
Qin Shao visited to see own for a while small luggage, sound out to ask a way:"Ms. Jin, how to do that my luggage?"
"Trail."The gold answer with expressionless soft noodles way, say the station receives Qin Shao to visit to hurriedly come out at the door.Qin Shao visits a bitterness face, and then hurriedly pulled out own small luggage.
The gold is soft to have no implicating of baggage, the mood seems to be also like a lot of.While coming downstairs, the gold is soft to visit to ask a way to Qin Shaos:"Mr. Qin.What are you going to the pawnshop be?"
Qin Shao visited to point he or she ground physical labor private gold watch way:"When it."The gold is a little bit soft to nod, no longer say what, Qin Shao who take to pull a luggage visits to goes straight to pawnshop but go.
The staff member of pawnshop conjectured one eye gold soft, the openings asks a way:"Do you want to be what?"
"Is not that I want to be, is him."The gold is soft to point to point nearby Qin Shao to visit an answer way.
Staff member and then transfer the vision to Qin Shao to visit in the body, up and down conjectured Qin Shao to visit, the Rao had the asking of deep idea the way:"This Sir, do you want to be what?"
Qin Shao visited physical labor private's gold watch of handle knob wrist to take off down and put in the staff member's in front.
The staff member once connects physical labor private, take in hand conjecture for a while.Ask a way:"The physical labor private's gold watch?Can't be make copy of?"Do them these all so, really also want to say false of, scare first for a while.
Qin Shao visits the answer way that didn't like spirit:"You saw clear, real Switzerland 1981 manufacturing ground capacity version gold watch, doing not understand you can check."
The staff member doesn't really acquaint with to the clock and listenned to the words in the mind that Qin Shao visits noodles a surprised, hurriedly canvass a way to Qin Shao:"That your etc., I make the expert authenticate for a while."Say to notify oneself's owner.
The gold was soft to listen to the words that Qin Shao visits have a little interrogative, if this physical labor private's gold watch is true, can buy of rise the person of this kind of watch, how meeting body last penny money all have no?
Qin Shao visits the facial expression of seeing the gold soft doubt, hurriedly small voice of at her ear explanation way:"This physical labor private is a leave ground, my a friend opens clock factory and exclusively make copy."Listenned to this words, the gold was soft suddenly realize of facial expression, so that's why.
Don't is excessive long, the take physical labor the private authenticate of the pawnshop staff member in a hurry came back again and behind still followed one inside year Korean.
"How, actually can be?If"Qin Shao visits to see their two people to come over and intentionally and impatiently asks a way,Facebook, " you can not be, or can't discriminate, I can seek another pawnshop.Seoul is so big, pawnshop again be not your family."
The in front that that inside year Korean hurriedly walks to Qin Shao to visit visits to ask a way to Qin Shao:"Sir, is this watch yours?"
"Is not the useless talk my is yours?"Qin Shao's visiting don't like a spirit ground answer way.
The middle age Korean is also inattentive, the openings says:"This physical labor private's gold watch, I quote for you 10,000,000 dollar, you see how?"
"10,000,000 dollar?"Qin Shao visited to in mind and quickly calculate 10,000,000 the value of the dollar, according to the exchange rate of Han Yuan to U.S. dollar, 10,000,000 dollar equal to 5000 goldses are or so.The physical labor private, who visits, at the beginning buys of time spend USD 60,000, and is to have already stopped production, the price of black market is about USD 150,000 at least now, is also say the price opening this guy
Qin Shao visited to want to think.Shook to shake head a way:"At least 100,000,000 dollar, without me Be getting notter appropriate."The gold of one side is soft to hurriedly and stealthily pull to pull Qin Shao to visit, just quoted 10,000,000 dollar she already enough to eat Be getting more surprised, the physical labor private of a cake of leave incredibly can be so much money, Qin Shao visits incredibly and says not 100,000,000 now the dollar isn't appropriate.
The middle age Korean considered for a while, he the in the mind noodles is also understand.This form is worth of above USD 100,000 at least, Qin Shao visits to of the price also calculate reasonable, however the businessman's craftiness still keeps letting his noodles expose a difficult color, the physical labor private in the handle knob passes to visit a way for Qin Shao:"Is the most 50,000,000 dollar, if again many you still seek don't house."
"Is all right, 50,000,00050,000,000."Qin Shao visited a point to nod to promise, however immediately say again, " but I have a condition.The term that I claim pawned article settles at a year, a year inside you can not go this form selling, otherwise I request 10000% ground indemnifications."
"Good.This is all right,google."The middle age Korean generously promised, come he pawn object here of, few someones can really redeem pledge.Even if Qin Shao visited to really come to redeem pledge, this interest rate also was to be up to 30%, also the interest that Qin Shao visits to to return 15,000,cnn,000 more a dollar, this is also very worthwhile.
2 people signed agreement, agreement rules if Qin Shao visits for a year inside absent from redeem pledge, this physical labor private's gold watch returns pawnshop all.If come to redeem pledge, regardless and when.All want to compensate to be 100 of 30 of interest.After agreement signs complete, the pawnshop pays to visit for Qin Shao 50,000,000 dollar, Qin Shao visits on the spot count 2,000,000 dollar to gold soft, be regarded as airplane ticket and hard fee.
The gold is soft didn't take, return money again to Qin Shao visit:"You also have no now how much , still first take useful, wait you rich return again to I not late, however want to return decuple when the time comes" finishes listenning to this words.Qin Shao visits a face top flash across one silk difference color, however the gold was soft don't notice.
2 people pawnshop, Qin Shao visits to carry own luggage and pull a gold softly the hand run and lead the stranger look askance at.Until run to very far place, Qin Shao visits this just loosen a carat fine soft hand.
Pant noisily a gold soft hand a knee slow one breath, visit to ask a way to Qin Shao:"If do they discover that that gold watch is false how to do?"
Qin Shao visits a luggage thwart put ground up, the rest a short while make the gold soft to sit a top, this just answer way:"If they discover that that gold watch is false, can have two kinds of processing ways.One is from recognize unlucky, two is wait Related articles:

