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, and recommended by who was Secretary of the office of command .This has caused a great disturbance immediately ,immediately someone says Zhao ,called Li Daoshen power ,should not wield military power ,should be immediately relieved of duty .
This is Yang Yizhong retreat in order to advance plan, at a draught of pushed in the teeth of the storm .relationresultOfsuddenly understand ,this is Yang Yizhong on his back .Even though Yang Yizhong was relieved of duty ,because division are directing position was not up to their own .
Instead he will only follow the way Yang Yizhong was relieved of duty .Desperation had to also write for ,at the same time string Qualcomm long yuan ,once Tik et al ,petitioned the Zhao ,tried to defend Yang Yizhong .
Only Yang Yizhong was relieved of duty ,then of different nature was relieved of duty .relationresultThree days later,Zhao finally Xiazhao ,announced his decision .Tang Zhongyou and convicted, demoted to Deputy State disfavour at court practice .
Rui Yan acquitted ,and allowed to take off take out .Chen Yichao et al the absurd to boss ,read its escort the wounded back to active ,not a punishment ,to be arranged by the Privy council .
Zhu Xi this time though mistakenly believed the rumor ,torture ,but exposed Tang Zhongyou corrupt crime of active ,cheap dr dre beats,not punishment is still known to Ling palace .Although Yang Yizhong has been strict discipline ,but the thought is two in the old ,also not punishment, is the Secretary of the temple came .
relationresultAs for Yang Yan andRui Yan ,although an affair ,but as a court official ,do not think frugality is degrading the official sound ,for trespassing .Leave court ,make constant ancient not, is Zuiburongshe .
In addition to all office ,rank ,to serve ,dropped to civilians .relationresultOther peopleare not punished people expected .Only on the punishment of Yang Yan ,although not from the capital, but to all posts ,peerage, in all ,in addition to ,dropped to civilians can be very severe .
Because of the great song practices ,even if be ,in addition to office ,may retain some virtual level ,even in exile ,will be the vice disfavour at court or side were a kind of virtual level .
And less like Yang Yan ,will all posts ,peerage, in all ,except to the .relationresultEleven or 2 , relationresultGirl ,the dressing up . , relationresultRui Yangently gave a cry ,and she still can drop to the bed ,dr dre beats.
From closing to the past four days ,Rui Yan in the lecture on the release, not going to Yang Yan ,but returned to the square .Although she was accurate in addition to nationality ,but the injury was too heavy ,as long as the temporary stay in the square in his .
relationresultYungently uncover in Rui Yan blanket ,give her dressing ,mouth and can not to curse Zhu Xi for the last few days, she would give a strict pistil dressing will Zhu Xi along with his family at once .
relationresultRui Yancould not help but laugh: well, yun .You scolded Zhu Xi did not know that tens of thousands of sentences ,is enough . , relationresultSmall,this did not stop his ,said: the king today again ,also brought a lot of gifts ,I was sent away ,but still put things down .
He is also not afraid of trouble .These days every day . , relationresultRui Yanlight : no matter who is to come ,I will see .Or a few days ago ,put down the things are placed outside no matter .
, relationresultYunsmiled: in fact, on the outside everything mom away .Someone came to see you ,the good ,easy to be her .I see you !She is hoping to girl here rest too long .
, relationresultRui Yanalso laughed ,and said: she was ?Now all I ,I in the church on Friday when who reminds me to .I was confiscated ,have brought this feeling .Over the past few years I have some savings ,I hurt a little better, we will immediately move out .
, relationresultYunsaid: but yesterday Yang son see girl ,girl why don see him ?Girl you are to him from punishment ,but to save his girl ,now not only must not done ,even what the officer did not have .
Also worthy of girl . , relationresultStrictRuimo .Since she was acquitted ,back to the square ,before she met and aristocrat and others have been carrying the gift to come to visit .
Some of them claim to take her as a wife .But these people were shut sb. A strict pistil ,also do not see .Even the Yang Yan to see her ,but was refused .relationresultListen toYun said ,Rui Yan also silent even before gently exclaimed : he can ignore all this to yamen ,save me, I very satisfied .
Just see how could he ,I don trouble him .Now just think hurt good point we move ,the best move farther away ,never to return ,safely through the rest of my life . , relationresultYunstopped : so you play it is not white got ? , relationresultRui Yansmiled : small ,these things you grow up maybe understand .
, relationresultTwo people aretalking, suddenly outside a dense and disorderly footsteps approach .Listen to mom at the door outside : Oh ,you can cross the ah ,Rui Yan girl but she said ,to recuperate, who also didn .
You sent that gave me on the line . , relationresultYunstood up ,just want to have a look is what happened, I saw the door opened and Yang Yanji came in from outside .The door with seven or eight individual blocking a doorway ,male and female ,mom behind also want to come in ,but is stopped at the door ,not to enter.
Ah Yun cried, said: young Prince , relationresultYang Yannodded its head to her ,went straight to a strict pistil bedside .: Rui Yan girl why don to see me? , relationresultRui Yanturned away his head ,looked at Yang Yandao : you still go !I don compromise you ! , relationresultYang Yanyaoshook his head : to the compromise on ,you don meet will take off had to tie ? , relationresultRui Yansaid: but .
.. ... , relationresultYang Yanyiwaved his hand : no ,but ,now I come to pick you up ,beats dr dre,all your hurt good again. and he turned and waved ,standing outside the crowd in four women ,carrying a soft bed to Rui Yan .
Then the four person together ,take strict pistil up to the bed ,walked out .Rui Yan there struggle too ,had no choice but to let them carry away. , relationresultMomstill shouted: hey you !You this is to put a strict pistil girl raised to go there , relationresultYang Yanignored her ,and Yun Yun : girl ,I left two people here to help you put strict pistil girl things ,also moved to my home .
Have you looked after Rui Yan girl is good , relationresultA small,busy say ,hastened to start up . She is early to Rui Yan a moved to Yang Yan house to live . Now nature is filled with joy.
Yang Yan left Yang Quanhe in two family members to help her .How you and mom representations of natural Yang Quanhui deal .And now by removal of strict pistil through ,she went there ,mom had no reason to stop .
relationresultYang Yan tooka strict pistil returned home, home early to pick up the room. The light emergence has long been waiting here ,and give a strict pistil pulse ,to prescribe medicine .
relationresultAfter theprescription ,Yang Yan immediately ordered the people to go according to fill a prescription ,and please accompany optical diffraction talking. The light emergence laughs: Yang Tan more ,you know this is what is legend you and the strict pistil girl thing ? , relationresultYang Yan had togrin and a nod ,he certainly knew and strict pistil things had spread across Ling high streets and back lanes .
One is a newly made illustrious military exploits of the young generals ,a Ling popular courtesan ,so that two people pull together ,people nature is of particular interest to mention this matter .
Itself very in legend ,now called Yang Yan .Or for women ,or is he to self-destruct ,or praise he is righteous ,or admire the strict Ruijian not wait . Nature is to be passed raise a Babel of criticism of ,say anything .
relationresultOpticaldiffraction at Yang Yan feel more happy smile ,said: if you know ,will be and why put strict pistil girl home ?Is also not afraid of chaos ? , relationresultYang Related articles:

