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But with it ,there living in the presence of parents to important .relationresultHowever,the man always is quite willful ,especially good man . , relationresultA few days laterin the morning .
Bott residence. , relationresultProperuniforms .Let the orcs seem powerful and forceful .relationresultCyrilwitch has returned to his original home ,Parke and his wife are retained ,because Lillian and Parke although met shortly ,but very good .
The course also happy himself not in time ,people can take care of elf .relationresultto Erin .Money ,I already sent past .She came here last time after talking to you ,he was never seen again ,the money is sent to her home .
relationresultCyril. We will take good care of ,I also will continue to persuade him to give up the war orphans home work .relationresultThisback to the battlefield .If have opportunity to letters from home ,don like last time :one is no news .
There are :Although know that useless, however :you must caution .Don go to destroy controlled Dragon Crystal such things ,it is too dangerous .Even .......relationresultFianceechatter without stop make BOT gave a satisfied smile :what time do not know from the start ,a wild orcs have been accustomed to lover point .
He nodded : I see you so like the new house ,cheap dr dre beats,thought you will I destroy several control dragon crystal, so that you used to change the house . , relationresultTheartifact and villa linked to absolute is a comic effect .
relationresultLillian Monl smiled and said: ,there you are important ! , relationresultMetoo .Dear. , relationresultThe militarysent to the cart ,lovers embracing tightly with each other .relationresultAfter a moment,big carriage space, wears a head covering black armor warrior slightly nodded ,to face BOT salute, the ugly tone sounded: salute to you, bot .
Master sergeant .Lord Nigel let me tell you :he will be waiting for you in the tower ,but ,everything has been ready . , relationresultRestoration ofserious sergeant, made no answer, just nod response .
relationresultSoon,the speeding out of the yard ,toward the distant gallop .relationresultNethertower top, flat and wide tower with complicated reddish magic array, method for array like crystal form, in the absence of light space disperse stability .
relationresultThemethod of matrix with three center points, they are using the rune and line marking out .One of the central point, great spar beast quietly sitting on top, it is met when more rugged ,although still five metres high but all up and down the spar was all the more clear ,the giant is like a fox like frog head ,has been restored .
Narrow eyes ,full-bodied red energy slowly flowing, formed whorl-like pupil .relationresultLimbsQiu knot muscles ,like the mountains of stacked ,plus pure crystal texture and surface layer of bright fine diamond crystal hair .
relationresultIt is already a maturestate of the spar beast ,all wearing a frightening force .relationresultIt is the devil to create the perfect battle beast of one soul ,even in the silent state ,it has a kind of people did not dare close temperament Barkis to the state at this time was more like an addiction to art young aristocrat .
relationresultMasterabnormal performances have made people become inured to the unusual ,has been busy arranging mage enters the circle of Nigel managed to find the time to connect a way: ,but it is against the dragon exist .
Even in the deep ,mature body spar beast estimation is also unique . , relationresultSo ,I doubt :is it right? It is worth it and BOT fusion .You know, although not directly under the control of it ,but to put him into the undead ,and there is something stronger than the dragon .
, relationresultThis is not what we have already discussed ,spar - the most powerful place lies in its whole system elements in order to control ,this power is from the soul ,however made undead is often a soul of impaired ,so that there is too much uncertainty .
A good will probably run counter to one ,to destroy this precious extremely baby . , relationresultNigellet the Lich gentle point a few times ,and then the light opening: s right ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com!So you just let this BOT to fusion ,a : the next stage of fusion of the soldiers ,build troops need a strong lead .
Two : if the integration problems, just give up the soul ,Akirashi Zumi will not have the slightest bit loss .relationresultOryou want to get smart :the whole idea that satisfy . , relationresultBarkislet the Lich very quickly, in the master view :This is simply an insult .
But in the end Nigel is not a verbal retort ,because of an undead creature ,insult is meaningless .There are :the Lich to some extent it is indeed correct !relationresult. relationresultThe two volume of the eighty-two chapter , relationresultCharacteristics of thenether tower environment ,as in the past of not feeling well ,especially standing in the circle center ,the feeling is more bad .
relationresultTenmage to light red circle around, along with Jill start ,the mage hand gestures speedy and flexible change ,export large segment of the spell is not stop overflow .
relationresultThe bigcircle also light up the moment ,in which the black orcs suddenly glowing energy from all sides to ,then suddenly a jar body ,soul is isolated .relationresultGreysmoky soul in the circle center roll surging ,is how also cannot leave the invisible shackles .
relationresultNot far away,spar beast head and stormed out of the mass of black shows a colorful light mist soul .relationresultAt this time,all by Barkis in the eyes ,face blurred look ,not consciously said: one of the strongest battle beast soul and abnormal crystals Orc soul ,their combination is unique ,even in my life this is absolutely precious .
If I take a day time ,specifically from frontal lueneburg sent back .relationresultStart now!If successful .The land :destiny will be reversed ,magical magic power is no longer a legend .
, relationresultAs if toattack ,Beats Detox.The Lich that inflammatory language ,two regiment soul in the air rapidly hit together ,at the same time ,method of array emit enough to cover up all the light red light ,will they all tightly wrapped .
..relationresultA few daysafter .relationresultThe amount oflueneburg front ,city wall Moffat looked very cold, his long body in the sunset mirrored back before long ,miles of the enemy camp ,the little lights ,like a falling star has a unique beauty .
relationresultRobbieunion confrontation has started ,mutual defense no fewer than a hundred times ,such a stalemate on both sides is not the easy thing ,especially in the trade unions should combined with whole human after the news :Empire rear ally country Chhill States ,does not like the original Chan ,from several main the movement of troops perspective, is to attack the Empire .
relationresultMunromost major in frontal lueneburg .If Chhill from rear attack words .The feel of the nightmare consequences .relationresultTheRobbie Alliance :almost all troops and new appearance spell armored infantry all trapped in the frontal Lun fort .
Junior high school strength is empty .Coupled with the earlier appearances abyss pulling has completed the final evolution .Size variable than dragon also hit several monster .Invisible is not the small pressure .
relationresultAdult.This is your command of all forces into the attack state for third days .But the enemy wants to see something . His voice sounded slowly in chief wizard ear .relationresultDon Related articles:

