
beats dr dre of devil if lord i

Up, he didn't put this affair mind, ordered to nod of, way:"Nebula also wanted you to ascend!"
Nebula piece can say what, good BE, he can promise his own safety.
He from lately arrived two squares' itses, what to smile was very overbearing, looking at various Ge hero, way:"Various lord in the Ge house, don't know just but wanted cluster with idea to beat, how haven't divided result, compete first began?"
Various Ge hero facial expression a red, don't answer as well, an old signaling hint nearby ascended.
The old goes up and just wanted to speak up, on standing, nebula piece's broad sword's cold track:"The useless talk is little to say, begin!"Say, the Dou head is one knife.
The old can want than the various Ge cloud town settle many, body in a flash, flash across piece nebula of one knife, the way of dark:"The small generation has no reason so much!"
"Managed you not to be beginning!"Nebula piece makes fun of a way, the broad sword a moment in the hand didn't also stop, as if thunderbolt lightning flash sort of in the nearby turning around of the old, the knife knife doesn't leave vital part.
The old originally still wanted to seek some cheapness on the mouth, but had to lay up the heart of slight along with the turning worse of glint and flash of cold steel and coped with well.
The various Ge hero carefully looking at 2 people to begin, this iron Long Ling gives his shocking a lot too big, see of come out, this young man seems to have no very high position, incredibly the elder statesman of ability and various Ge house beat a draw and seemed still visit blade enough to spare.
There, iron Long Ling's concealed weapon superior continuously of silently approach.
It is very quick, arrived to the bestly make moves to be apart from.
Huang Zhuang Ping suddenly shouts loudly 1:"Make moves!"
Those people's almost instinctively raising a hand is a concealed weapon!All over the place of the cover include nebula piece to the person of various Ge noble family also at inside.
Iron is old to see shout loudly 1:"Is dangerous!"Turned head to die to deadly stare Huang Zhuang Ping's one eye.
In the ear of nebula piece on hearing Huang Zhuang evenly begin, know that this boy wants to emit bad water, pubic region drum bulge, the broad sword followed the body side of the old to row in the past, the true spirit suddenly broke out, or so appear and disappear mysteriously of print to the left rib of the old, the avoiding being seen of the old subconscious was opened and stood just to his before the body, a Peng concealed weapon arrived the old in the moment.

The text chapter 1 asks the way to flow breeze(up)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:18:30 chapter word numbers:6242

The iron old and various Ge hero shouts loudly 1 at the same time:"Carefully!"
The various Ge hero keeps rushing toward a nebula, and iron Be old to also make a pounce upon nebula piece, 2 people almost start at the same time and arrive at the same time.
Clip Zhang in iron an old boxing, iron points inch to enter, five fingers such as five sharp weapon lightning flash sorts of flick to go to the various Ge hero for once rushing, the way way points dint to send out to"diligent" break an empty voice.
The various Ge hero was originally to miss sneak attack nebula piece, can inside ex- exert is iron old dint.After he weigh gain and loss, the double Zhang starts to turn over, a Zhang falsely swayed a piece nebula of at present, a Zhang makes moves with all strength and took over old of iron dint.
"Bang, bang and bang!"In a row several voices suddenly and violently ring, the body of various Ge hero is a burst of to urgently sway, iron is old don't also beg for cheaply, the finger is a burst of to drill the ache of heart, the foot repeatedly retreats.
But that old, drive one knife of nebula piece draw back after, immediately feel back a burst of break empty positive, heart bottom greatly is shockingly, ten thousand sorts are helpless under, body forward one bow, the double Zhang wrings to fly and falls in the ground.
Nebula piece is once hiding various Ge hero at this time the bluff is one Zhang, the right elbow suddenly and violently rises at the same time, a deeply the heart elbow drilled the bosom of various Ge hero in.
4 people turned an eye to change ten to recruit with each other, who don't also get cheapness, but various Ge hero is drive nebula piece and iron old 2 people inhibit of the breathers are all very difficult, his real strenght to iron Long Ling is greatly surprise, how for a while didn't notice, iron Long Ling's fighting skill had a so great progress!
4 people exchange blows several recruit, disappear what effect, can there Huang Zhuang Ping but have already launched lately an of aggression, various Ge noble family those people although personal fighting skill is all over the place and since then all very high, can face of the concealed weapon is still that dead and injured urgently increase.
Various Ge hero a see if this continues will never be way, cruel offend of two Zhangs, force old nebula piece and iron to back, body backward hasty Shan but lead, call a way:"Withdraw quickly!"
The interjection of various Ge hero's seeming doesn't have much function to those people, from Su Hang sneak attack the jewelry go of failure, arrive and the week town be easily waited what person frightenned to even throw industries by Luo, till now of iron Long Ling's on the way sneak attack, the various Ge noble family is several to once have a so distress affair, a few old guys but delivered wildfire, regarded as the ear to the words of various Ge hero side breeze, true spirit continuously increment, attempting to break iron Long Ling is like the concealed weapon sneak attack of rain-storm.
Can that absolutely with try to commit suicide to have no much difference, more than ten individuals went forward several distances of step, fall flop half.
The various Ge hero saw, lambasting of spirit way:"You are still a few to is old deathless, can have me this lord in the eye!"
A few old facial expression sorrowly turned head to see one eye various Ge hero, on the face old tears crosscurrent, almost cry bitterly to shed tears, an among those's aring seen is an age biggest of, the fighting skill is also the most robust in they, the side continuously brandishes to begin a medium double-edged sword, and the side looks up at sky to shout loudly:"Is old sky of to want Wu I various Ge house?That first since old man like!"Say, a double-edged sword suddenly sells but, double eyes one regiment is red, all over the body elephant drive true spirit drum bulge get up, continuously change bulkily.
The various Ge hero saw, the facial expression greatly changed, the voice is wretched, take to order hysteria of shout loudly a way:"Three uncles, you not ability!"
Those three uncles incredibly and slowly turn head, the concealed weapon has no function on him, as long as ran into his body, changed a direction right away.He turns head to took a look various Ge hero, tiny smile way:"Hero, your ambition life ambition three uncles approve very much, can we choose not that time to wait, should not expose oneself in other people's in front in this time, particularly should not deal with that Luo easy, we all saw, that boy absolutely was a hell of devil, if lord in the hope house can listen to me, lord in the hope house hurriedly returns to and get up all of our strength concentrations and take precautions against the revenge of that boy, the green cloud fortress was a good example with five at first!"
"Three uncles!"The various Ge hero doesn't know his/her own heart in exactly is what taste, this result will never be him desirable of.
Three uncles return overdo, face iron old, the Hey Hey sneer way:"You should be iron Long Ling original chief of brigands, why, why want to make a surprise attack me various Ge noble family?"
Once iron eldest brother mouth split and curse and scold a way:"Why?My iron Long Ling's influence is unlike you the various Ge noble family is weak, can see, in this place, we when can have a successful in career day, the common saying says well, a mountain allows of no two tigers, having you various Ge noble family should not have me iron Long Ling, can we also not want to die,beats dr dre, that can be you various Ge noble family Wu!"
"This is our wrong!"Three uncles feel deeply about a , " if it had been known that, at the beginning should connect the root to you and pull out!"Say, hate of bit to grind teeth.
Iron is old to roar with laughter a way:"If it had been known that, why the need for and at the beginning!"
Say, turn head to shout loudly a , "kill!"
Originally already weak come down of concealed weapon again the rushing toward of elephant locust pest sort come up, nebula piece secretly backs a behind, he feels the power that that three uncles will soon make moves to be ordinary people to connect next!
Indeed as expected, his guess is quite right, three uncles again turn head call way:"Hero, the various Ge house depended you!"
"Three uncles, don't !"Is almost all persons of various Ge noble families to loudly call a way, each is one face grief and indignation.Can the steps all draw off backward and seem and escape from battlefield.
Huang Zhuang Ping and iron is old to is all exultation, loudly reprimand angrily to a way:"Quickly make track for, they are escaping!"
This if urge a soul song sort, iron Long Ling's person looking at to come in succession, three uncle a burst of and old cachinnation, bouffant body suddenly to inside on accepting, the facial expression one is red and red, throat the voice of a burst of Wa Wa, shout loudly a , "all die!"
Along with on falling, his words sound's the air of surroundings Related articles:

