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The Wei count even includes him and all is from eminent family.Even if foot already lousy inside in the elder hospital of son arriving a root also have a big cluster of old fox.
If the Hao door noble family comes out of the person is the words of all useless generation, perhaps and early drive the successive holder royal ancestors of method gram to tidy up Gan Be getting cleaner.These Wei of so will be lousy to arrive a root of inside in the son, the Lu Pu Nai Er will have so many cancers, on the contrary is because these each clever strategies of the persons who are from the door of Wu Hao are profound, Be just they didn't cleverness of the brainses put at the places that should use.
Since expressed own position, this old spy headman Gan frailty escorted wagers all at the new king's body up.
"His majesty, if you try by the normal path, the words let to appreciate pit to make to pass lately, perhaps you will be greatly disappointed." old spy headman the inside have been already seen from some evidences, this new king originally intends that the both sides sells to intend to walk the normal path lets elder hospital and nobility hospital make through even intend to wait the person of two hospitals of Zhao to come to seek him to haggle well.
This idea beats quite goodly, not unfortunately realistic.The reason is elder hospital and inside in the nobility hospital, 聦 the clear person is really too many.
On hearing this words, the new king's heart sank for a while:"Why to think like this?"
Old spy headman the body in Fu, in a soft voice say in the new king's ear:"Since August, the airtight Zhen place has been already discovered, 17 groups of persons secretly gets in touch with those of your brotherses at least, since last ten days of month, these people start establishing each other, even one part of persons and the person of front high command make a contact."
The new king's city mansion is very deep, but hears these, the face still brushes to become very white all of a sudden.Feng he absolutely don't thought of, oneself still intends moderate breezes light drizzle, use the way of mutual compromise, let a row pass, there but have already been making to the worstly prepare.
"Why would you not° until now tell me this matter?" new Wang Nu Dao, he cannoted pack any further.
"Because have no a necessity, everythings all in the scope that can control inside." the old spy headman is inattentive:"Those people return just is establishing, haven't come in contact with truely person of controling the solid power, most important of is, these people in haven't appeared a real core."
New king this just slightly the Shao let go of some hearts, the airtight Zhen place works still pretty dependable of, certainly the premise is a section in the virtuous Pu marquis especially to his loyal.
At the moment the biggest question of new in the mind king be, this marquis whether loyal?
Since the former career saw, section in the virtuous Pu especially marquis loyalty Wu king, to Wu who sit this seat, isn't very interested, so want ~only he still just this seat up, he can trust.
However this new king always thinks, each one will be absolute to oneself loyalty, giving all of the other people's loyalty is have a bottom limit, he wants to know at the moment section in the virtuous Pu especially where be the bottom of marquis limited?
"Defend to suffer from Wu not yet, you see to have a necessity worsen in the circumstances before, grasp these people all, extraordinary period want to implement very means." new Wang Ban Zhao 's face did a signal for killing.
The old spy headman heart first time wildly jumps, this knew with him before of cut a king, crafty was like to have a little different, before although the new king made firm decision and malicious hot, however is malicious hot the side making firm decision hardly rears and reared bearing was more.
BE appear on stage of does the Hou mindset have a change?
The mood of old spy headman is very what a mess, if is such, he wants Yao to leave a method gram and keeps off this, the Yao only has to flow with those people together, and the Gan frailty comes off stage this new Wang Gan.
Although being full of in the heart is hesitant and unable to decide, however marquis mouth inside say:"If you insist on if I do so, I will follow your order, but matter Hou I will resign. airtight Zhen place should just ear eyes, but absolutely can not become a homicidal knife, once the airtight Zhen place was stained with blood, you will discover that it will become very terrible, and be free from a control."
The old spy headman knows the inside situation of airtight Zhen places most by himself/herself, the airtight Zhen place isn't to have never been stained with blood, the airtight Zhen place secret hunts for through the years however the Hou sentence to death of person, will never in the minority, only he never allows airtight Zhen place to draw in a political conflict to go.t Of so so, completely is because of before having the Jian of the car.
Airtight Zhen place can be treated as the religious assize of the Vatican the clone, religion judge of so the person Zeng ghost is disgusted with, be because it is too reckless, it is the tool of the Vatican political persecution, Tu Dao of the sharpest the Vatican.
The religion judges didn't good end, the person of religious assize equally didn't good end.
So the airtight Zhen place the beginning established absorbed religion assize of precept, will never draw in a political conflict, will never become some one square's Tu Dao.
Hear these words, new king's seeming to seem to be heart is unwilling, however heart bottom,Monster Beats, he is in fact pretty happy, he from think that the inside situation of knowing this loyalty dog is already.
Meeting loyalty under this loyalty dog big parts of circumstances Wu he, but absolutely Be not willing to become the knife on the his hand, assassinate a few important persons with the strength of airtight Zhen place, should don't relate to,intended to make use of airtight Zhen place, carry on large-scale suppression, perhaps had no probably.
If this is the bottom limit, his pouring is to accept, the loyalty of the limited degree, have already made him feeling satisfied.
The "so said to see your decoration." new king sought a step, this was to give own step, and is the step that gives old spy headman.
Marquis really don't know new king how exactly think, his should have quite a few to the project to grow, so he picked 1 kind to a little bit scathingly say out.
"I have already made the person of under charge have eyes fixed on those people of ex- high command, they are most more dangerous, also probably result in harm, nobility hospital and a few active persons in the elder hospital, also already in the close surveillance of the airtight Zhen place, those energies are very big, result in very easily confusion, go to Wu others, the airtight Zhen place also has surveillance."
Marquis only didn't say the new king's those brotherses, he to the conflict in the Wu palace, meaning didn't get involved at 1:00, which afraid will arouse the new king's disaffection like this, he woulds not like to overstep the utmost limit, either.
And he chases monitoring target demarcation to be very thin, front those people of the high command, want ~only a little bit some changeses, he will start to grasp to catch, those people have already become edge person and have no power have no certainly have no influence, the most suitable suitable for use to kill a chicken Jing monkey:Nobility hospital and the active person in the elder hospital equally can also move, the active person absolutely can't be a somebody, it happened that and very attractive, very arrestive, is also kill the Wei material of the monkey of chicken Jing.
The "I still have a suggestion." old spy headman decides well timed earth's surface by himself/herself now the loyal for a while:"Probably you should move new soldier's training camp to go, your father is former incumbent at the time that king's his majesty mounted the throne, situation compared rigorous now get many, he is because control troops, just own end right to speak."
The old spy headman gleams its phrase, he superficially seems to say, controls the troops' importance and there is substantially also another idea of containing.
The palace will never be a safety of ground, the those palace attendants big part is from eminent family, the female officers are more complicated, and the dish root wrong stanza relates to many influences.New soldier's training camp although disorderly, anti- pour to want than here safe get many, and in new soldier's training camp, absolutely was new his majesty king to say calculate.
The "your suggestion is very good, I will adopt." new king completely received the good intentions of marquis:"I still intend the flank that the new nobility hospital establishes in new soldier's training camp, I want to show those food for powders that are subjected to Zheng Zhao, as long as they would like to pay and absolutely get everything that should have."
This completely is was subjected to old spy headman of inspire, establish new nobility hospital the flank in new soldier's training camp, if those people of elder hospital and nobility hospital dare to jump out objection, let them get to new soldier's training camp to outside cause trouble and see.
Suddenly, the new king on the contrary hopes those guys that don't know somehow caused trouble and made terribly, civilian to he the meeting more support, his positions the meeting is more firm.
He doesn't worry political situation turbulence, local those nobility the basic don't care is this matter, while the opinion of local nobility is just real at the moment importance.
When this new king prepare to regard as new soldier's training camp foot to go a temple at the time, a palace attendant in a hurry ran to come over and kneaded Zhao a piece of note in his hand.
"His majesty, the important event isn't good, patrol in the white Ting sea of two fleets lost contact at the same time, among them of a fleet is before losing contact, once sent back an alert."
Hearing this words is regardless section in the new king still a virtuous Pu marquis especially, the facial expression all becomes Related articles:

