
beats solo hd of the Dan medicine

Seven colourful ray of lights of mightiness!!Also in this a moment, his double eye, immediately open!From his the double the eyes, two seven, immediately shoot at the gossip of the ground the Xun door in the eastern south on!
"Bomb ……bomb!!!"Is a burst of surprised sky of of huge ring, immediately ring out this to imitate Buddha dead from the gossip of general gossip in the bureau, in this a moment, incredibly KPMG slowly revolved the ray of light in a white, immediately at allow eastern in front slowly and deeply!The front door of this space so, be allowed east to find out!He found out and returned to the front door of oneself meat body ……not and more accurately say, is nine color absolute being dragon, help what him find out!
"Nine words unite as one, nine color absolute being Long Chu Qiao!Way Buddha integral whole, eventually become invincible Long Shen ……"
Allow east to again and again recite this sentence, stand to have a body from the gossip, suddenly, his towarding that is full of bright front door to don't already laugh wildly,beats solo hd!!
"I understood, I was finally understand!!!Lie Long Tian Shu's high state originally, would be at the moment me the state of the place!!When really nine words speech unites as one of, nine color the true dragon as well assemble a!This time, the one who would be the tradition of lying Long Tian Shu, the strongest time!"Xu Dong's facial expression, the gradual moment is cold to come down!
"Fix a true alliance ……you wait!Lao Tze, I came back!
(The not yet finished treats continuously and knows that how funeral affairs is such as the desire, please ascend a chapter more, support author, support original reading!)()The KPMG Qing feeling beats, redistribution is welcome!

The text chapter 340-chapter 344
Renew time:2008-6-2222:11:51 chapter word numbers:11858

Lie the war of Long Qu chapter 340 rebirth!(A)
White!One endless white, at allow be immediately full of in the space export that the east gets into his double eye!He slowly shut last the eye of soul, opened own arms!Regression, current of he, immediately and then want from brain of the deepest place, the regression gets to his realistic body in ……
The ray of light of a burst of warmth tightly wraps up his body, his soul , after stepping that space, then and in a twinkling start extending,beats pro white, continuously of extension, the soul , to a life, is the place of its essence, is also the place of its life!!
Xu Dong's soul, overlay at brain, and is continuously extending, he can realize, own soul is continuously permeating into his body each cell!This felling is what terminology talks can not form this, this felling, definite, very delicate ……
Soul, in the right of control of gradual instauration to body, Xu Dong believes, with own soul of nine color absolute being dragon overlays, can definitely oneself that is demolished by the Dan medicine of about of body to saves back!His soul, continuously send forth a burst of and a burst of strong true dollar motion, that is the instauration of seven colourful absolute being dragons true dollar!
7, arrive this each cell of, that cell that is damaged, then will be in a twinkling vibrant, member continuously of reorganization, at moment reach a piece stronger, also more violent cell nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane!Xu Dong's whole body is continuously presenting to public to emphasize rare miracle at this time ……
In this time, the dint of the Dan medicine being roving around in the pubic region discovered Xu Dong soul up send forth of nine color true dollar this invades, the dint of four Dan medicines mixs of the strong strength immediately launched crary aggression!So, the strength of nine color true dragons continuously of is resuming Xu Dong's body, but the dint but again of Dan medicine is at the district repaired by powerful breakage!Both parties contend for my Duo, so and incredibly is allowing to start beating to have large battle inside the eastern body!
Xu Dong's soul has already matched with own body for the sake of the integral whole at this time, the fight for dint of nine color true dragon and that Dan medicine, immediately arouse a burst of violent ache!Have mercy on Xu Dong that just resumed state of mind soon, drive the this side broke part repair of two energies to make of almost and directly faint!
Cold sweat, continuously of come out from Xu Dong's whole body, his body, have already completely become one bloody!The skeleton continuously ground crack grows again, cell of continuously breakage again member, this kind of than needle firm still painful, mow a still painful felling and let to allow eastern whole individual to was like into ice hole a while than the knife, for a while again imitated a Buddha to drop into a flame stove!His body shivers on continuously the carpet in red, but, his some ways all have no ……
So, nine dint of the color true dragons and the dint of the Dan medicines are stalemated of fought to exactly have several hours, allow eastern body also be continuously destroyed and repair, after replying a member again drive destroy of infinite circulate next go ……even, he has several drive pain faint, have no excessive long, again drive pain awake come over!This kind of absolutely than go to hell to still want difficult pain and sufferings, let Xu Dong feel, lead for a second, all grow to endure long hardship!
Nine color the true dragon , after doing not knew to repair Xu Dong's body how much time, finally got mad!
Open what fun, this but gather to lie nine true dragons in Long Tian Shu combines but becomes of strength!Is a dragon of supercilious,beats solo, how may tolerate again the dint of that Dan medicine is in front of it swagger!
So, be nine color the true dragon is real of after getting mad, Xu Dong whole body send forth of white true dollar, start meeting together at together, this Jie Ao doesn't tame of guy, finally prepare with the dint of that Dan medicine definitely a to die to fight!
And four color Dan the dint of the medicine certainly also disdain to and its opponent!Fairy desire Dan, that but spread fairy the creation just comes out of pill of immortality!Its violent strength, absolutely can't be like another strength lower the head!
This under can like, four color Dan the dint of the medicine be directly allowing eastern belly to start decisive battle with the dint of nine color true dragons!Two strength spare no effort of collide with at entwine together at together!They, don't want to divide a victory or defeat can not!
Is two all equally is a matchless great power to fight a war in the body, certainly would was Xu Dong most miserably, he is in two strength collide with together, directly accept to can not stand that the felling that tores heart crack lung, wildly spray the blood in the not only!
Nine color the true dragon is tightly entwining four color Dan medicine behind, it starts carrying on designing carried on strong dint partition to the dint of that Dan medicines!The dint of the Dan medicine cannot compares with to defend in the Cui under, directly drive nine color true dollar to immediately cut into 4!But these are four, at the right moment would be the Dan medicine in four kinds of colors of the Dan of fairy desire!Nine color true dragon, really is cleverness of guy, after partitioning four energies of Dan medicines, he has no hasty exterminate the dint of four kinds of Dan medicines, but earliest give° the real strenght's weakest Dan medicine to surround, start gobbling up!
The dint of rest three kinds of Dan medicines after seeing the dint of the Dan medicine that that be stood alone, immediately?The Niang comes to carry on rescue indiscriminately!This, just right won nine accounting of color true dragonses to strive for!
Deal with the dint of three kinds of other Dan medicines, nine color the true dragon directly start rounding to order to beat to aid of account to strive for!He the dint complete package of Dan medicine that that is stood alone by him at own true dollar in, then try very hard to of melt, at the same time, be most outside constructing to have a fastness again of true dollar defense line to resist the aggression of dint of three kinds of other Dan medicines!
The dint of that Dan medicine in red under the sistuation that don't know, directly drive the dint of nine color true dragons complete package, quickly carried on decomposition, melt!But under the attack that blue, yellow, and green, the defense of nine color true dragons but completely had a function, stare blankly is don't shrink back an one step!
Just after five minutes, the dint of the Dan medicine in red is continuously narrowed own energy by the true dollar of nine color true dragons, finally and slowly of disappearance at nine surrounding of color true dragonses in.
So, nine colors are true Long Yi Ge the package of, a melts and absorbs, the true dollar is in the continuous to build up, but the strength of that Dan medicine, but gradually diminished!See, fairy desire Dan with nine color the true dragon compare, or differed some!At least, on the strategy, these four color Dan the medicine miscalculated ……
Connect down, allow east the energy that feel belly respond more and more strong, until all of those four kinds of Dan medicines disappear at the energy of nine color true dragons in!A kind of matchless comfortable great felling immediately spreads from his body ……
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